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For a rainy day.... - Printable Version

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For a rainy day.... - SBennett - 04-22-2016

Since tomorrow is a day I can't fish and it is supposed to rain pretty hard, for fun name your four favorite Utah waters in order you like to fish.
I'll go first:
1. POWELL (Why it is called 'Lake' Powell is something I will NEVER understand).
2.Fish Lake
3. Flaming Gorge
4. Starvation

Re: [SBennett] For a rainy day.... - TubeDude - 04-22-2016

[#0000FF]Don't have the power or the budget to hit Powell as often as I would like. Love it but it is too big for a tube and not into buying a boat just for the occasional trip.

Otherwise: In order of the number of trips I devote to them annually...

1: Utah Lake
2. Willard Bay
3. Starvation
4. Deer Creek, Jordanelle. Would be a tie except I haven't hit Deer Creek since the mussel thing. Sob.

You need to get a hobby...besides fishing and rabble rousing on the internet.

Re: [SBennett] For a rainy day.... - wagdog - 04-22-2016

I'll bite. I like it:

1. Utah Lake
2. Starvation
3. Deer Creek
4. Provo River
5. Jordan River

Those are my top five. There are other places I've hit but those are all relatively close to home and I log the most hours on them. Lake Powell is awesome but that is a "fur piece" away!

Re: [SBennett] For a rainy day.... - BHuij - 04-22-2016

Tough to call, since it really depends on what kind of fishing I'm in the mood for that day. But I'll give it a shot--

1. Maple Lake in Payson Canyon - not too difficult to get the lake to yourself, and my wife and I have had some fun trips up there just hauling in stocker bow after stocker bow using a carolina rig and floating powerbait.
2. Lower Provo River - even though I almost always get skunked... haha. I guess that's why I love catching fish there so much, since she's such a cruel mistress most of the time.
3. Utah Lake - love me some WB spawn fishing. Nice to have warm water fishing when I get tired of the slimers
4. Tibble Fork - this is where I fell in love with fishing as a teenager

Re: [SBennett] For a rainy day.... - RockyRaab - 04-22-2016

The lakes I fish most often because they are closest are

East Canyon

I'd like to fish Starvation more often but it almost requires me to camp in order to get any time at all on the water there - just too long a drive otherwise. I need a boater invite to fish places like Powell.

Re: [SBennett] For a rainy day.... - up2nogood - 04-22-2016

#1 Strawberry
#2 Strawberry
#3 Strawberry
#4 Strawberry

Did I mention Strawberry. There are others after my favorite four [Smile]

Re: [SBennett] For a rainy day.... - fish1on - 04-22-2016

Bear lake
logan river
Community ponds

Re: [fish1on] For a rainy day.... - Fishin_Fool78 - 04-23-2016

Uintas Lakes
Deer Creek
Currant Creek

Re: [SBennett] For a rainy day.... - HD7000 - 04-23-2016

East Canyon
Weber River

Re: [SBennett] For a rainy day.... - gmwahl - 04-23-2016

That's a tough one, let's see........

1- bear lake
2- flaming gorge
3- cutler reservoir
4- porcupine reservoir

Willard would make #5 and in Idaho I think Oneida would rank at or near the top of my list for that state.


Re: [SBennett] For a rainy day.... - SkunkedAgain - 04-23-2016

Okay this is sort of tough, I have places I like more that I don't get to fish very often, but then there are my close reliable ones. So here goes.
Unnamed lakes in the Wind River Range
Henry's lake
Bear Lake
Willard Bay
Cutler Res
Oh that's five sorry couldn't stop without all of them. Later J

Re: [SBennett] For a rainy day.... - Tin-Can - 04-23-2016

I'm with TubeDude on Powell. Would love to fish it someday, just too far and too big for the Tin Can.

1 - Willard (cause its the closest to where I live)
2 - Benson Marina - Upper Bear River
3 - East Canyon - when I'm in the mood for Trout
4 - Community Ponds - when I don't feel like hooking up the boat, but want to go drown worms

Re: [Tin-Can] For a rainy day.... - ducksfresh - 04-23-2016

Flaming Gorge all day long everywhere else is just a game [Wink]

Re: [ducksfresh] For a rainy day.... - outdoorsman1 - 04-23-2016

Nothing compares to Flaming Gorge!

Flaming Gorge
Bear Lake
Blackfoot Res
Henry's Lake

I havn't fished the ocean yet but, the guys I know that do say once you start everything else is boring...

Re: For a crap day.... - k2muskie - 04-23-2016

Depending on the season and the fish we chase for sport and eats including distance to arrive:

Winter Ice:

Lake Cascade

Soft Water:


Re: [k2muskie] For a crap day.... - akammerman - 04-24-2016

1. Uintahs - Because it's so gorgeous. The solitude.
2. Weber River - Because I caught my second most beautiful fish there- a nice brown (or was it a brook? - I always get those Confused.
3. Bountiful Pond - Super close, and I caught my first LMB there.
4. Hyrum - I love driving through Sardine canyon, and a traditional annual trip there in the fall with my Wife, Kids, and Mom to visit the cemetery, the creamery, and the cheese factory starts with a morning stop at Hyrum Reservoir.

btw, my son and I have the goal of catching a fish in every county in Utah. We still have many to hit.

Oh, I need to add a fifth.

5. Electric Lake - because I caught a nice trout there the only time my wife went fishing with me. It was on our anniversary getaway last year. We stayed in a Bed and Breakfast in Spring City.

Re: [SBennett] For a rainy day.... - MBM1969 - 04-24-2016

My top five in no particular order,

Middle Provo


Re: [SBennett] For a rainy day.... - foothill_fisher - 04-24-2016

I fish as close to SL valley as I can. Here are some of my favorites close to home.

Big/Little cottonwood creeks
Twin Lakes
Little Dell
Middle Provo

If I feel like driving far, my go to place would be strawberry; right now during ice off or in the fall when the water turns over.

Fish on!

Re: [SBennett] For a rainy day.... - RangerRat - 04-24-2016

Lake Powell

Re: [RockyRaab] For a rainy day.... - DrLove - 04-26-2016

I have sent a LP PM