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Strawberry Reports? - Printable Version

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Strawberry Reports? - kjox21 - 09-15-2016

Hi all,

I haven't seen too many posts from fly fisherman at Strawberry lately. I was hoping to head up there this weekend for a little fishing. If anyone has had any recent success I'd appreciate any helpful hints on what's been working. Thanks in advance!


Re: [kjox21] Strawberry Reports? - OldTroller - 09-16-2016

I went today. Caught 25 from 9 am til 4 pm. Best line was an intermediate. Flies performing included a dark purple wooly bugger, midnight fire, burnt orange crystal killer. I fished the Bryants Fork area if that matters.

Re: [OldTroller] Strawberry Reports? - kjox21 - 09-16-2016

That's great news! Thanks for the information I really appreciate it. Strawberry always seems to give me fits, I've never really had a good day on the lake, hopefully this weekend will change that Smile

Re: [kjox21] Strawberry Reports? - OldTroller - 09-16-2016

Maybe we can hook up next time I go up and I'l show you a trick or two.

Re: [OldTroller] Strawberry Reports? - kjox21 - 09-19-2016

That would be great!

I was on the water for a few hours and didn't get any takes unfortunately. That lake always seems to kick my butt.

I tried a purple and black bugger with a green bugger trailer. I also tried fishing with some scuds and chironomids that was unsuccessful.

The wind was picking up quite a bit which made things pretty difficult, and I was only on the water for a few hours. Maybe next time will be different....

Re: [kjox21] Strawberry Reports? - richyd4u - 09-22-2016

We always have luck at East Portal with Purple and White buggers with big BH Hares Ear trailer on intermediate line.

Re: [richyd4u] Strawberry Reports? - OldTroller - 09-24-2016

what size BH hares ears do you trail behind?

Re: [OldTroller] Strawberry Reports? - richyd4u - 09-26-2016

[quote OldTroller]what size BH hares ears do you trail behind?[/quote]


Re: [richyd4u] Strawberry Reports? - OldTroller - 09-26-2016

You aren't kidding that's huge. For a hares ear anyway. Thanks for the tip. I will tie some up.

Re: [OldTroller] Strawberry Reports? - richyd4u - 09-26-2016

[quote OldTroller]You aren't kidding that's huge. For a hares ear anyway. Thanks for the tip. I will tie some up.[/quote]

Right! It's the best dropper fly EVER on any bugger rig...I will sometimes drop down to a #12, but #10 is my standby. Hard to beat. I strip buggers anywhere without that on as my second. Good luck!

Re: [kjox21] Strawberry Reports? - Joe_Dizzy - 09-29-2016

I was there in my tube on Tuesday (09/27) at Mud Creek access. Weather was beautiful, surface temps in the mid/upper 50's, fishing was really slow. I fished from 9:30a to 1:30p with only 4 hookups, and lost every one! [frown]

Started with chironomids from 10-20 FOW. Switched to nymphs, then buggers, then back to chironomids. Very little in the way of visible fish/insect activity while I was there. Wish I could have stayed into the late afternoon.

On a strange note, I took a plunge into the lake to wash the smell of skunk off of me! OK, it was unplanned... went to get up out of my tube, both legs cramped up, and I did a face plant into a foot of water with my kick fins stuck in the weedy muck. Must have been hilarious to watch. [laugh]

Re: [Joe_Dizzy] Strawberry Reports? - kjox21 - 10-04-2016

Thanks for the update! I tried every kind of fishing that weekend too and didn't touch a fish. Strawberry continues to baffle me.

I've taken a couple of spills getting up too! That mud can be down right tricky with fins on.