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Got Corn!! Carp bait
[size 2] [/size] [ul] [li]2 1/2 cup corn meal [li]2 boxes of jello (any kind apricot peach strawberry work best) [li]2 TSP of sugar [li]1 cup salt [li]1 cup water [li]4 tsp of whole corn no juice [/li][/ul]

Put in pan over stove heat on low add water and salt and sugar stir then add 1/2 cup of corn meal stir for 2 minutes add 1 box jello and 1/2 cup of corn meal stir add other box of jello + corn and 1/2 cup of corn meal stir add flavouring (butter nut) then rest of corn meal stir should form a big ball touch with finger to see if sticky if sticky sprinkle some corn meal on it then heat some more take out slice into meat patties let cool to room temp put in container and put in fridge till use (always keep it in ice box when not in use) works real good.

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