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Henry's Lake
A friend caught this yesterday at Henry's Lake, Island Park. Idaho . It is the biggest fish I have ever seen landed . Took fifteen minutes to land .
Wow, that thing is a toad, 12.5 lb cutt, totally amazing, thanks for sharing it with us Curt.
The ice looks pretty safe too! how thick is it?
6 " and growing everyday . It was 0 degrees when I headed out this morning . Fishing is very slow . I don't know what is going on .
How close can you drive to the lake? do you need a sled? just trying to gauge if I need to bring one, and how long the walk is if I don't? [fishin]
Hey Curt, doesn't that lake close to fishing at the end of the month?
Closes Monday is the last day you can fish it .
Thanks Curt, when does it reopen?
Pretty sure that’s a hybrid, and a dandy! Those Yellowstone Cutthroats just don’t get near that big.
?? I must have missed something, where did he say it was a Yellowstone cutt[:/]
it reopens Saturday of Memorial day weekend.
The hybrids(rainbow x yellowstone cutthroat) get much larger that the Yellowstone cutthroats I Have seen. I would be nice to have it open another month or two.
Thanks for the info Kent, I guess if the lake was open year round the catching would not be as good[:/]. Well that makes sense, rainbow x yellowstone cutthroat=hybrid, sure looks like a bow but you can see the cutt marking too, on the throat, just did not realize there were Yellowstone cutts in there. Very nice fish.

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