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Mantua today (Sat.) and Barney III
Grandson home from the Air Force, his dad, and I hit Mantua, arriving about 0900 and fishing 'til 1230...cold, about 25*, beautiful skies, and the sun felt great at our backs...didn't need to put up our tents....trout (of course), a few nice bass, and nice ave. sized bluegill played for perch at our 10' depth, but we had pretty good action all along with the other players......Again Beware!!..Barney III was out in force, ticketing all who parked on that South dike road....Wiper hunter II made us aware of this outlandish change, so we did park at the far East lot, after dropping our gear first by one of the put in spots....I talked to Barney III, when we were leaving, and he said yup, he was giving tickets to all who were parked between the East and West parking areas...about a dozen vehicles there when we left....$$$...
Was wondering if anyone knew how much these tickets are? Barney III got me. I've been parking there for years but never had a problem even with the old officer so I was a bit surprised to find the ticket on my windshield. Not one on the car behind me. Oh well. Did get 100 fish mostly trout and gills. We counted every fish so yes exactly 100. Kept 2 slabs put the rest back. Used tungsten and ratfink. 13fow.
I heard that it was $100. A dollar a fish ain't too bad [Wink].
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
Wow that's steep for a parking ticket. Guess that's how we pay for new facilities at the pond.
I got one on Christmas eve and went to the Mantua court house to see about it, they told me it was $100. I'm going to fight it because as you said, we have been allowed to park there for years and the signs also say, "No parking between signs", with arrows pointing toward each other. He is my post on this:
WiperHunter, did they state that they were getting all sorts of calls to come in and fight the ticket? They told me that January 7th from 6-8 I could come in and plead my case. I'll be there for sure. I was west of that furthest sign (one arrow pointing east) half mile down the dike (have pics), so hopefully something will come out of it. If you were east of that first sign you may have issues.

The lady at the office also said that they made a parking spaces at the top of the dike right after the no parking signs....I laughed thinking that I thought they said no parking on the dike.
No, they never told me that, she said to call back after the first of the year to find out when to come in to talk to the judge. So on the 7th of Jan, would that be 6am to 8 am or 6pm to 8pm?
Actually, new facilities paid by Brigham City. Mantua keeps the fines.
6pm - 8pm

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