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Redfish with no spot??
[font "Comic Sans MS"][red][size 3]Me and my husband went last weekend surf fishing. We caught several black drum with the shortest being 38". Then I got a big one on my line. Thought it was a drum til we got her outta the water and she was just as gold as she could be. So I got all excited thinking I landed this big redfish. But there was no spot? Is that possible? Or was that not a redfish. Any inquiries would be greatly appreciated [cool][/size][/red][/font]

[font "Comic Sans MS"][#ff0000][size 3]Thanks,[/size][/#ff0000][/font]

[font "Comic Sans MS"][#ff0000][size 3]Renee'[/size][/#ff0000][/font]

[font "Comic Sans MS"][#ff0000][size 3]"Life's Short, Fish Hard"[/size][/#ff0000][/font]
Thanks for the question. It would be easier to help you if I knew what geographical area or state you are located. Since there are numerous species in the ocean, it can be difficult to guess without knowing from where the species may have come from.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2]I am in southeast Texas.. We surf fish at Mcfaddin beach which is about 30 mins from Galveston.. thanks for replying [cool][/size][/font]
You are most welcome. I will check into this for you. We do have a couple of BFT members that are familiar with that area as well.
I hope this answers your inquiry.

[url ""][Image: 130reddrum.jpg][/url]

The red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus, also called, redfish, rat red, bull red or just "red," is a highly sought game fish. The red drum is found from Massachusetts to Key West, Florida where it is known as the channel bass, and from Florida along the Gulf coast to Tuxpan, Mexico. In Mexico, it is known as "pescado colorado" or simply "colorado."

The red drum is a member of the drum family whose cousins include the Atlantic croaker, spot, spotted seatrout, and black drum. The most distinguishing mark on the red drum is one large black spot on the upper part of the tail base. Having multiple spots is not uncommon for this fish but having no spots is extremely rare. The color of red drum ranges from a deep blackish, coppery color to nearly silver. The most common color is reddish-bronze.
The only other fish that is even close to appearance is the Atlantic Croaker. Only thing is that they have stripes.

[Image: 130atlanticcroaker.jpg]Atlantic Croaker
Good Catch, I hope you took some pictures of her?
it is more than likely a redfish I know quite a few people that fish in texas and they do get them without spots although as Tuben2 said it is rare but not as rare as some think a few of them spotless reds are caught a year

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