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i have seen this done so many times! every year! those that wait fer the truck to git done stockin in the ponds lakes what ever and then when the truck gits out the way, they start fishin! right where they put em in.! does it bother you as much as it does me??? or why cant the state do it so,s they put a time limit on the fishin of em and have the game wardens watch and make sure people dont fish em in that time line, or do the stockin at the end of the season fer trout, so they can spread out, gut use to the pond, and there,s more of a sport to fishin em. also some dont think there is a limit on takin em either, the game warden no where,s to be seen. i,m tired of this senario. what bout you guys, you see it too?? or am i the only one seein this! i,m tired and sick of it. i wont even fish them cause it makes me so sick. no sportin to it at all, i think! i,m bout ready to write the fish and game round here! [  ]to them!that do it.
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I don't see any sport in it myself. I go to some lakes that stock and people are just waiting to grab them up.
Take those same people out on a trout stream and see if they can do just as well. ha ha. They will then become impatient and maybe give up on trying to rob the cradle of hatchery pets.
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[mad][#004000][size 1]What is old expression? Like shooting fish in a barrel! Why bother waiting for the truck to unload the fish. Just drop a line in the tanker. Same difference. I bet those goys go home bragging as to what great fishermen they are.[/size][/#004000]
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bout it bud, i just wrote the fish and game and told em what,s been happeinin every year.and thought they ought to change the stockin time. haha ya know what the idiot said, well, the game wardens out of uniform, byt he,s there. bull, i know em. and there,s only one. and he,s out of springfield vt. he almost called me a liar. and that ticked me right off! said that the fish wouldnt bite fer at least a week, after they put em in. hahaah i told him the more ya throw at em the more theuy hit and i was standin there just watchin em. i got hot. haha i said this aint my first day fishin. haaha i also told him i,m not liein and he hasnt been out in the field too much or he,d know. stick that in your craw. haha im almost tempted to go over his head! oh i just dont believe how he thinks i,m such a fool. because i,m female it felt. but i give it to him i tell ya. haha later[  ][  ]i hate to be talked down too!
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[  ][  ]OH I BET THEY DO! HAHA YA BIG FISHERMEN.! AND I KNOW ALL OF EM. BOUT THE ONLY TIME THEY GO OUT IS WHEN THERE STOCKIN. THEN PUT EM IN THE FREEZER AND EAT SOME. oh it just gits me. and ya mightswell have a stick of dynamite and stick it in the barrell haha right??? later[  ]to them
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hey i agree with you
we just had a new small pond stocked with 750 10inch trout and pretty much the next day there were a bunch of poeple there and they didnt even get one bite. i think that when they go right after it has been stocked and the pond isnt very big they should give it time for the fish to get settled in. thats just my opinion
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i hear ya, just aint no sportmanship whatsoever. there the kind that will go out and shoot a deer at night too. same thing to me. later[  ]to them!
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I dont know how big the fish are that they stock in your neck of the woods, but most of the time they stock fingerlings around here. They will only stock bigger fish if they are just starting a new lake or if it is struggling. It isnt a problem here because the game and fish doesnt schedule stocking dates, they just do it at random. So if your lucky and you go to the place that they are stocking I guess you catch more fish if they are even catchable.
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[cool][#004000][size 1]Some pretty good size fish are stocked in our area. However, this report is from a pay & fish location.Trout
This year marks the heaviest stocking of trout in Orange County's history and it is all happening at Irvine Lake's Trout opening days on October 20, 21, and 22. The planting included brown trout, brook trout, steelhead trout, a Calaveras trout which is wild raised and known for its beauty. Approximately 8,000 lbs of steelhead weighing between 4-6 lbs has been planted for the opener. From what I understand these steelhead have not been raised in the traditional concrete tanks so they have complete fins. [/size][/#004000]
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[  ]hey bud, they dont stock anythin less than 12 inches up thru to some good ones fer breedin, bout 3-5 lbs in the ponds round here. the limits 6 in the ponds 12 in the brooks and rivers, and some rivers like the black river where they got the GOOD ONES, AHHA 2 fish limit or 5lb. weight. and they got some good ones in there go 10lb up/ my son went over the other nite, got a nice 5lb 3/4 rainbow. beautiful fish, and went over last night and caught another beauty. 3-4 lb rainbow, and not this years stocked , must of been least 2 years ago. as the 5 lber was. maybe more. good lookin fish, and ya can tell they were sure in some good deep holes. good colors, he,s gittin the big one stuffed. ahha he cant, wait. haha course he had to come down and show momma his big fish. haha so cute. just like the old days. aint no woman gonaa out rank his momma. hahahahaha love that boy. [cool]well that kind of stinks the way they do your stockin aint it?? it,s like ya got to wait fer em to grow up aint it?? that,s too bad. no they put some good ones in, htat,s what ticks me,s just it,s that kind of people that makes it suck fer those of us who love fishin and huntin so. take more,n what your suppose to and dont allow them to spread out and do what they should be doin. livin in there fer sometime. they tell people in the papers when and where there gonna stock. and they sit right there and pull em out as fast as they go in. it,s terrible.i probably shouldnt git so hot bout it, cause i git into it with em. haha but i can,t hep it.ahha later mare[  ][  ][  ]
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[  ]hey i,d love to see one of them! i bet there a beauty! and i never heard of the payin to fish.dont your taxes and everythin else cover fer the fish stockin?? that,s different. nowe dont have to pay to fish thank god. it,s a wonder, have to everythin else. ahha got tax on this tax on that even food. that,s why i di my shoppin in new hampshire. haha there,s no tax. makes it easier on us some. gonna go fishin tonite, think. hope. see how tired jack is when he gits home. if not tomorrer. we,ll take the motorcycle and put the poles on. and louie the hound, haha so you guys have a good safe fun weekend ok. i,ll let ya know how i did, and my jack when we git back monday. haha hope ya catch some good fish. later [  ][  ]acutually they stock quite a bit round here durin the summer, they,ve done it once, already round here, windsor, reading up to my knapps ponds, that,s where me and jake use to go since i took him out his mother, this one here, i miss him, that,s where i was talkin bout where they were doin this, but sounds like they do the stockin like ours here. at least they put some good ones in. huh?? isnt it funny how they got so many different species i so many different areas. thats what makes the world go round huh?? haha later thanks fer givin me your points on this too. i guess i,m not as screwed up as i figured hahahahaha i told the doctor that once. hahaha later
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Hey Patches, Our tax dollars as well as license fees go towards the state rivers and lakes for stocking. We have several private lakes here that charge an admission fee to fish by the hour, by the time slot or by the pound of fish caught.
They do stock some whoppers though. For example, they will put in 25 to 30lb Rainbow Trout, 50 to 100lb Catfish. Special breed trout as well.
It is in no way true fishing. That's why we call them "Pay to Play" lakes.
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[  ][  ]OH OK, HAHA I COULDN,T FIGURE OUT WHAT YA MEANT BY THAT. AHHA but those are good fish there stockin! i wouldnt mind be catchin some of those!! haha be fun. huh?? yessa! jacks gonna be fishin when he gits home, ahha he,s gonna be fishin fer the blueberry cheesecake i made him but cliff and i et. hahahaha he,s gonna be hot! hahaha one sliver lleft! hahahaha cliff and i are sittin here laughin! haha no not really, there,s mor,n that. ahhaha[  ][  ][laugh][laugh][laugh]
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I went to one of the State stocked lakes night before last. Caught me about 40lbs of Cats. I caught a bunch of the ones that they stocked recently and let them go. All the ones I got were holdovers from last year and the year before.
8 fish, 40lbs. The largest was around 7lbs. The smallest was just 3lbs. The ones that they stock are 1 to 1 1/2 lbs.
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[  ]hey bud! hey that was fun huh?? good size ones! and good eatin! you can have a cook out with all them and have the family over! that,s fun. well i went over to the black river and cagut a nice 2lb, rainbow sat. i was out on a big bolder, sittin and i got this hit, little one, he was just nubbin it, then i waited and and then put a little tension on it and he was sittin there with it in his mouth. so i just give him nother minute and then he run with it, well i had quite the time gittin my self siteated on that bolder and not to fall in to git up and git hi,m! hahahaha what a time. haha well finally i got up in time not to have him run clearn up the river and not losin hte tension i had on him, or what we call too much slack. haha so i finally got situated and got him out! haha without fallin in! ahha the water still runnin good.. must be my posts got out on the vermont board here cause all the downcountries were up. haha all out fitted in there flyfishin gear, all that expensive ---/ haha course ya got to look the fly fishin way or your not gonna catch fish and ya got to spend lotta money to look that ways so the fish will know your usin flies hahaha and there suppose to hit the fly cause ya spent all that money on the outfit! hahahahahahaha and of course ya gotta fish on top of someone else, so,s ya can drive em out the spot, be arrogent, RUDE to let me know your a flyfisherman, downcountry so,s i,ll move, and git my lip twitchin, and say, oh i didnt see you there> da! oh i was hot! course me in my ol, black cowboy hat, my dungaree shirt, and dungaree,s and a nightcrawler, wont catch fish. ahhahaha well did! haha that ticked em off. hahahaha oh i probably spent 5.00 fer my outfit, other than my hat which i bought new of 80.00 bucks. haha that,s the most expensive thing i had on! hahahaha my hat catches the fish anyways. haha it,s lucky. hacause the band is what i use to ride patches with. i got on it. haha [  ]and the nightcrawlers and the swivel and the hook must been bout 4.00 bucks. haha and i caught the fish. ahhahaaha i just dont like rude people./ where the fishin ediquit???? 4 of em right on top of me. ahha and i started laughin.when i pulled him out! haha and that,s funny in itself. ahha aint i rotten, hahahaha and to top it off, what,s even funnier, they aint jumpin or hittin the flies yet, there doin nightcrawlers and minners! haha skeeters are out good though and the black flies. i got et. ahha later
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We did have a good catfish fry. I haven't been able to use any of my catfish recipes for quite awhile but we made 4 different one this time.
when you talk about the poor guy on the river I just think of the commercials on TV.
Nightcrawler rig 4.00
Rod and Reel combo 22.00
Nice black hat 80.00
The look on the other guys face when I outfished his 500.00 fly fishing outfit.........................Priceless.
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[laugh][  ][  ][laugh]haha i know, BUT MY HAT I HAVE TO HAVE HAHAHAHA i,ve wore a cowboy hat ALL MY LIFE, HAHA even to bed when i was little. haha but this hat is one of them australian leather hats, and it has gone thru many downpours when i,m fishin! it will not leak!! i love it, and it folds up and can stick it in my pocket and goes everywhere with me. cayse i cant be out in the sun like i use ta. it,s great, use it on the bike too. but htat what i did sat. haha outfished his outfit! haha and it does remind me of them too. icould go fishin in my bs and catch fish if i wanted hahahahaha how do ya like me now. i,m glad ya had the cook out alwyas good to git together! it always seems to taste better when we cook out too, dont it! ahha later you home today?? hha [  ][  ]
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I'm working today. The calls are just slow to come in. I might just sneak off to the lake around the corner and soak a line for awhile. ha ha.
Just as long as I answer the radio. I work with the County Fire Dept next to my favorite lake. It's bluegill time and they are biting pretty good. I have some good recipes for them as well.
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[laugh][laugh]HEAR YA! haha[cool] wish jack could od that! haha well that,s a good thing the calls are slow! yessa, i bet they are good, our punkin seeds arent much good fer eatin i dont think. awful bony i know, but the puppy louie likes to eat em. haha he,ll eat anyfish raw. haha even suckers i catch. haha gits mad if i dont give it to him. haha my ol jake here loved to steal my trout and go off runnin and eatin em. so i had to watch him. haha least i know if he went huntin he wouldnt starve. haha he,d eat blackberries off the bush. he,d tkae and watch momma, haha and he,d take his lips on the blackberry nd pull it off. hha and loved apples. what a hound he was. and his brother thats still alive old spudley. he,s 15 now. may 28th is his birthday, good ol hounds. i still feel my jake with me. [  ][  ]caught a 2 lb rainbow saturday. good eatin! haha you catch your bluegills, i,ll hep ya. ahhaha lets go! there fun catchin and boy dont the kids love to catch em. haha no patience yet. fer the little ones, so it keeps em intreged huh? hahha thats what i use to like with cliff. ahah i,ll let ya go fishin now. haha later have fun put em on hte grill i havent cooked out yet, weather been crappie. haha later [  ]
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haha dazzle who with bull?? the flyfishers, game wardens or youa? haha aint no bull ahha.