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The fight has begun!<br><br>Big-Government Liberals are vowing that they will reject any<br>legislation that would make your tax cuts permanent!<br><br>Friends, it disturbs me when I hear these kinds of comments.<br>THIS IS NOT THEIR MONEY. THEY DIDN'T WORK FOR IT,<br>AND THEY CERTAINLY DIDN'T EARN IT. BUT THEY DO<br>WANT TO SPEND IT.<br><br>Of course I'm talking about YOUR money, and their plan to<br>spend it on their "FAT CAT" projects.<br><br>This is preposterous!<br><br>As one Republican House Member said, if President Bush's tax<br>cut plan isn't made permanent the American people will "see the<br>largest tax increase our nation has ever forced upon them."<br>This is precisely why our "Keep The Tax Cuts" initiative is so<br>vital. The American people need to keep beating the drum and<br>sounding the alarm--alerting every taxpaying citizen that unless<br>these tax cuts are made permanent, all of America will lose .<br><br> All but big government, that is! Big Government spenders<br>stand to receive the biggest windfall of all--provided they can<br>convince a nation that President Bush's tax cut strategy is a big<br>mistake.<br><br>And unless we keep the pressure on, the scenario I just described<br>may come true!<br><br>We have already delivered over 50,000 petitions to Capitol Hill at<br>Congressman Dick Armey's Town Hall meeting on Tax Day,<br>April 15th.<br><br>But we can't stop there. Now we want to deliver at least 75,000<br>petitions to Capitol Hill in support of this vitally important bill as<br>soon as possible.<br><br>* * * *ACTION ITEM<br><br>><br>(AOL Users click the line below, all others use the above link: )<br><a href="">Click<br>here</a><br><br>I AM CONVINCED THAT WE CAN SHORT-CHANGE THE<br>DEMOCRATS' PLAN TO TAKE AWAY THE TAX CUTS.<br>THE QUESTION IS "Are you willing to fight for what is<br>rightfully yours?"<br><br>I BELIEVE YOU ARE, AND AM COUNTING ON YOU TO<br>MAKE A DIFFERENCE. PLEASE E-MAIL YOUR FRIENDS<br>RIGHT NOW.<br><br>Thank you!<br><br><br>Congressman Tom Davis<br>Chairman, NRCC<br><br><br>P.S. PLEASE FORWARD THIS MESSAGE TO AT LEAST 20<br>OF YOUR FRIENDS TODAY--URGING THEM TO SIGN THE<br>PETITION TO "KEEP THE TAX CUTS":<br><br>P.P.S. See Rep. Dick Armey with your petitions at the recent Town<br>Hall meeting in Washington, D.C.:<br><br><a href=" ">Click here</a><br><br><br>+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +<br>IF YOU HAVEN'T DONE SO ALREADY, CLICK HERE TO<br>SIGN OUR PETITION TO "KEEP THE TAX CUTS":<br><br><br><br>(AOL Users click the line below, all others use the above link: )<br><a href="">Click<br>here</a><br><br> + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +<br>FOR A NEW "LINK" MESSAGE TO FORWARD TO YOUR<br>FRIENDS, CLICK HERE:<br><br><br><br>(AOL Users click the line below, all others use the above link: )<br><a href="">Click<br>here</a><br><br><br><br><br>
I dont know about the polititions your way but here when we hearthe words " tax cut" come out of a polititions mouth, every one grabs their wallet and holds on tight, cause it usualy means that the politition wants a bigger cut for himself. lol<br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A> <br>Lookie See what the kids are up to.<br>Dave T. Clown
More politicians become millionaires "while" in office than any other profession. Look at Reagan. He signed legislation before he left office creating vast benefits for Japan. Soon after he left office, he flew to Japan (on a private jet) and gave a 45-minute speech. His fee: $1.2 million. That smelled more than a fresh pile of cow manure on a hot, summer day. And he got away with it.<br><br>
you could not be more right about that statement<br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A> <br>Lookie See what the kids are up to.<br>Dave T. Clown

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