05-28-2004, 04:49 AM
The past few years a buddy and I have been trying to pick up on walleye fishing at a local lake. We have tried many a bait,live and artificial.For the most part the walleyes we are catching are post-spawn(sunken stomachs, low body weight, but long fish).This year seemed to start out like last year,pick-up one or two here or there but with long lulls in between. This week I finally tried something different. The main food source for these walleye is Alewives and the prevalent artifical that seems to work the best is a jointed rapala. Well I dug into my arsanal this week and cut a small grub in half using only the tail and about a half an inch of the grub placing it over the last treble hook.WOW!!! did it work, in a matter of about two hours I had landed two huge walleyes, one 22 1/2, the other 23". While hooking but losing about a dozen more quality fish. What I want to know is does anybody else do this or do you add anything else to a crankbait or stickbait to entice a strike? The ones we are catching and hooking up on are alot nicer fish than we are used too and I would like to try something more to see if it works as well. Any input would be appreciated.[
