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Raped the Wahoo!!!!
Let me tell ya, it was a good day of fishing boys. We got out of the bay, and as soon as we hit the point we ran into 8 foot swells with the occasional 10 footer. We decided to fight it to the other side of the island in my little 19' whaler, and it was well worth the hour and a half ass whoopin' we took. The water flattened to 3 to 4, and the fish were really hungry. We couldn't troll at the speed I wanted to because of the intervals of the waves, I didn't want to risk a breech, so I changed up my lures and spread to adjust. I usually use Braid Marauder's or Bonito's and troll at speeds over 10 knotts. Instead, I droped it down to 7 or 8 knotts and used my faithful Yo Zuri deep divers. Surprisingly, they were munching on the yellow and green, usually it's the purple and black. I think the chop had something to do with it. The purple was probably too difficult to see in the nasty rip tide we were trolling in, even for a superior predetor such as the wahoo. For once, the bright colors were working. We found some schooling fish about 100' down in about 200' of water on the edge of the reef. We stayed in that general area and were nailing one every hour or so. We didn't loose a single fish we hooked, that's good in anyones book. Since we couldn't run the speed and lures I wanted, we weren't getting the size fish that I would've wanted, they averaged in the 20-30lb range. But the smaller ones taste better anyways, and put up an equally sporty fight with fifty pound gear. All and all, a good day. The water was alot calmer on the way in. We finished the day off with a cold beer, turned some of the wahoo into sashimi and grilled the rest with a side of rice. It doesn't get any better than that. Watch out STEVE, I've got some killer pic's for ya commin'!!!!!
Wow dude good to hear that you had sucess in that kind of weather. Wahoo is one of the most awesome tasting fish.[sly]
Dude you gotta start posting pics. Gotta see this stuff!!!!
Hey smitty, you tell me how to get them on the website, and i'll do it. I've got loads of pics on CD now, I just dont know how to get them on.
you can either copy and past them on here or use then use the URL to paste them up here. It will give you the IMG URL there.

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