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Flying fish? ever catch one?
Just wondering if any one in here ever caught flying fish? and if so what would you use? And can you eat them?[unsure]
Flying fish are fun to catch. They hit good on topwater plugs. Color doesn't mean much to them. You just have to reel in fast or troll for them with a can splasher in front of your lure.

Edibility???? Of course. They are just like any other type of delicate whitfish. Very tasty but just a few extra bones. Not a problem for deep frying or slow baking.[cool]
Thanks for the advise slow bakeing sounds great i was thinking of clipping thier fins first ect. I sure would'nt want the better half to open the oven and get hit by a flying fish [cool]
This is probably dumb, but are these flying fish carp? or are they a salt water species? I have read about carp that get startled by motor boats and will jump out of the water, i could just imagine a 30# carp jumping out of the water
[sly] They're a saltwater species. Flying fish actually have over-sized Pectoral fins that allow them to "glide" over the water. Flying fish are a schooling species and are commonly caught inshore around piers and off the beach. They are often seen offshore doing thier periodical glide above the water. Thier ability to pick up speed and launch out of the water and hover for a few seconds is a defensive tactic to escape would-be predators. They are prey to many species of game fish such as Mahi Mahi, Sailfish, Wahoo, and even Marlin, and I don't blame them..............Flying Fish are pretty tastey in the frying pan. As far as seeing a carp jump out of the water, i've never seen that one. My experiance with carp is that they are bottom feeders, except for those theme parks that have those fish feeders that you can chunk fish food into the water for 25 cents and watch 3 dozen 30+ pound carp "crawl" over each other to get the chow. That is ammuzing for about 5 seconds until you realize that there is an untappable resource of huge fish that would bite a hook baited with smelly underwear. How depressing, all those fish, and they don't let you catch them. I always thought about buying one of those "folding" light tackle outfits and sneaking in a little fight when no one was looking. But I never got up the balls to do it. I think anyone that's been to one of those places has thought about the same thing. However, seeing a carp get air borne would be along the lines of seeing a 40 pound Flat Head catfish breech the water. None the less, it would be an amazing sight. Not as much as seeing a 350 pound marlin do a back flip, but equally as admirable. I hope I was some help.
We get lot's of flying fish around the Catalina Islands. I have had some hook ups on them last year but they got off before I could land them.

They are very tasty on the table. A good source of protein and only available in the big salty.
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]Fish4Fish, [/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]I posted this reply only for the purpose of the visual with my avatar. I’ve never seen a flying fish other than in pictures and I chose my name because of my occupation. [/size][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]<----Anyway, there is a photo.[/size][/font]
Caught one at Guadlupe Island on Mexico's Pacific side. Not supposed to be able to catch them but they are kinda like mullet and will occasionally strike at things and get caught.

When tuna and dolphin fish (flying fish is a Mahi mahi favoriate)chase flying fish they panic and land on the decks of the long rangers.

There are reports of anglers being killed and blinded by these fishys.


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