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Protect Fishing and Fisheries
I have a new group on yahoo, called fishingforeverdotorg. It is a group dedicated to protecting our rights to fish by creating more public control and power over management agencies, creating better access to lakes and streams, and to safeguard not only our rights but maintaing healthy and diverse fisheries. It's going to be a positive website, though disagreement is welcome, as long as their are no personal attacks. It's totally free, all you have to do to join is get a free yahoo screen name. Even if many of you disagree with some of my viewpoints, you are still welcome because I'm on your side. I want to protect our fish and our rights to fish. I hope to see many of you there. Here is the link:

Hi Tyler,

I went to your site, and looked around a bit, I saw there was no competition for advertisement, and the site is what you said it is,

When I see post titles like the one that was on this my first thoughts are deleting the post, I read your post, visited your site and decided to leave it but the title would have to be changed and the post would have to be moved over to our conservation board.

You are most welcome to fire up most any topic about preservation here on this board, you may find a number of supporters here and if you really want a heated debate I am sure some one here will accommodate you [Tongue]

I my self don’t have time to spend on your site but I do wish you the best of luck in your preservation efforts.
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