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Making Sushi Rolls
Nigiri-zushi (hand-pressed sushi) and maki-zushi (sushi roll) are the most commonly eaten sushi and can be served at your home party. But having your guests make their own sushi would be fun! This type of sushi is called temaki-zushi (means "hand-rolled sushi" in Japanese.) Each guest rolls his/her own sushi, choosing his/her favorites ingredients. As a host, you prepare various ingredients so that your guests have lots of choices. It's easy to prepare since all you have to do is to cut and place the ingredients on a large plate and to prepare sushi rice.
[ol] [li]Cut ingredients into sticks or slices. [li]Place the ingredients on a large plate. [li]Cut nori seaweed into small squares. (*cut a sheet of nori into quarters.) [li][#236eb5]Prepare sushi rice[/#236eb5] and put it in a large bowl or a large plate. (I suggest using a decorative dish.) [li]Provide a spatula with a large bowl of sushi rice so that guests can scoop the rice. [li]Serve soysauce with a tab of [#236eb5]wasabi[/#236eb5] in a small dish for each guest for dipping sushi. [li]Place some dishes of [#236eb5]pickled ginger[/#236eb5] on the table. [li]Prepare a wet hand towel for each guest for cleaning hands. [/li][/ol]
How to Make Temaki-zushi:
[ol] [li]Clean your hands by a wet towel. [li]Take a piece of nori. [li]Place a small amount of sushi rice on top of the nori. [li]Pick your favorite ingredients from the plate and put them on top of the sushi rice. [li]Roll the nori into a cone shape to wrap the ingredients and rice. [li]Dip the sushi in the soy sauce and wasabi mixture and eat. [li]Repeat this process when you finish eating a piece of sushi.[/li][/ol]

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