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credit card fraud
[font "Book Antiqua"][black][size 3]I recieved an email today and thought I should share this insite of someone elses misfortune. [/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#8000ff][size 5][/size][/#8000ff][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#8000ff][size 5]CREDIT CARDS SCENE 1

A friend went to the local gym and placed his belongings in the locker. After the workout and a shower, he came out, saw the locker open, and thought to himself, "Funny, I thought I locked the locker. Hmmmmm." He dressed and just flipped the wallet to make sure all was in order.

Everything looked okay - all cards were in place. A few weeks later his credit card bill came - a whooping bill of $14,000! He called the credit card company and started yelling at them, saying that he did not make the transactions. Customer care personnel verified that there was no mistake in the system and asked if his card had been stolen.

"No," he said, but then took out his wallet, pulled out the credit card, and yep - you guessed it - a switch had been made. An expired similar credit card from the same bank was in the wallet. The thief broke into his locker at the gym and switched cards.

Verdict: The credit card issuer said since he did not report the card missing earlier, he would have to pay the amount owed to them. How much did he have to pay for items he did not buy? $9,000! Why were there no calls made to verify the amount swiped? Small amounts rarely trigger a "warning bell" with some credit card companies. It just so happens that all the small amounts added up to big one!


A man at a local restaurant paid for his meal with his credit card. The bill for the meal came, he signed it, and the waitress folded the receipt and passed the credit card along. Usually, he would just take it and place it in his wallet or pocket. Funny enough, though, he actually took a look at the card and, lo and behold, it was the expired card of another person.

He called the waitress and she looked perplexed. She took it back, apologized, and hurried back to the counter under the watchful eye of the man. All the waitress did while walking to the counter was wave the wrong expired card to the counter cashier, and the counter cashier immediately looked down and took out the real card. No exchange of words --- nothing! She took it and came back to the man with an apology.

Verdict: Make sure the credit cards in your wallet at yours. Check the name on the card every time you sign for something and/or the card is taken away for even a short period of time. Many people just take back the credit card without even looking at it, thinking that it has to be theirs.



Yesterday I went into a pizza restaurant to pick up an order that I had called in. I paid by using my Visa Check Card which, of course, is linked directly to my checking account. The young man behind the counter took my card, swiped it, then laid it flat on the counter as he waited for the approval, which is pretty standard procedure.

While he waited, he picked up his cell phone and started dialing. I noticed the phone because it is the same model I have, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Then I heard a click that sounded like my phone sounds when I take a picture. He then gave me back my card but kept the phone in his hand as if he was still pressing buttons.

Meanwhile, I'm thinking: I wonder what he is taking a picture of, oblivious to what was really going on. It then dawned on me: the only thing there was my credit card, so now I'm paying close attention to what he is doing.

He set his phone on the counter, leaving it open. About five seconds later, I heard the chime that tells you that the picture has been saved. Now I'm standing there struggling with the fact that this boy just took a picture of my credit card. Yes, he played it off well, because had we not had the same kind of phone, I probably would never have known what happened.

Needless to say, I immediately canceled that card as I was walking out of the pizza parlor. All I am saying is, be aware of your surroundings at all times. Whenever you are using your credit cards, take caution and don't be careless. Notice who is standing near you and what they are doing when you use your card. Be aware of phones because many have a camera phone these days.

When you are in a restaurant and the waiter/waitress brings your card and receipt for you to sign, make sure you scratch the number off. Some restaurants are using only the last four digits, but a lot of them are still putting the whole thing on there. I have already been a victim of credit card fraud and, believe me, it is not fun. The truth is that they can get you even when you are careful, but don't make it easy for them.


thats why i only use cash and money orders,no plastic or ckecks
Thats good stuff there dave, I have heard of another CC scam going on, someone will call you saying that they are the credit card company and verify your full name, they will then have you yead all of the 19 numbers on the back strip of the card, the first 16 are your CC number and the last 3 are the security numbers, with these numbers they are free to run up charges from online stores.

I have also came across more info i had posted it on the utah off topic board but i will post it here as well it is good stuff:

[size 1]Read this and make a copy for your files in case you need to refer
to it someday. Maybe we should all take some of his advice!

A corporate attorney sent the following out to the employees in his

1. The next time you order checks have only your initials (instead
of first name) and last name put on them. If someone takes
your checkbook, they will not know if you sign your checks with
just your initials or your first name, but your bank will know how
you sign your checks.

2. When you are writing checks to pay on your credit card accounts,
DO NOT put the complete account number on the "For" line.
Instead, just put the last four numbers. The credit card
company knows the rest of the number, and anyone who
might be handling your check as it passes through all the check
processing channels won't have access to it.

3. Put your work phone # on your checks instead of your home phone.
If you have a PO Box use that instead of your home address. If you
do not have a PO Box, use your work address. Never have your
SS# printed on your checks. (DUH!) You can add it if it is
But if you have it printed, anyone can get it.

4. Place the contents of your wallet on a photocopy machine. Do
both sides of each license, credit card, etc. You will know what
you had in your wallet and all of the account numbers and phone
numbers to call and cancel. Keep the photocopy in a safe place.
I also carry a photocopy of my passport when I travel either here
or abroad. We've all heard horror stories about fraud that's
committed on us in stealing a name, address, Social Security
number, credit cards. Unfortunately, I, an attorney, have
firsthand knowledge because my wallet was stolen last month.
Within a week, the thieve(s) ordered an expensive monthly
cell phone package, applied for a VISA credit card, had a credit
line approved to buy a Gateway computer, received a PIN
number from DMV to change my driving record information
online, and more. But here's some critical information to limit the
damage in case this happens to you or someone you know:

1. We have been told we should cancel our credit cards immediately.
But the key is having the toll free numbers and your card numbers
handy so you know whom to call. Keep those where you can find

2. File a police report immediately in the jurisdiction where your
credit cards, etc., were stolen. This proves to credit providers
you were diligent, and this is a first step toward an investigation
(if there ever is one).

3. But here's what is perhaps most important of all : (I never even
thought to do this.) Call the 3 national credit reporting
organizations immediately to place a fraud alert on your name and
Social Security number. I had never heard of doing that until
advised by a bank that called to tell me an application for credit
was made over the Internet in my name. The alert means any
company that checks your credit knows your information was
stolen, and they have to contact you by phone to authorize
new credit. By the time I was advised to do this, almost two
weeks after the theft, all the damage had been done. There
are records of all the credit checks initiated by the thieves'
purchases, none of which I knew about until placing the alert.
Since then, no additional damage has been done, and the
thieves threw my wallet away. This weekend someone turned
it in. It seems to have stopped them dead in their tracks.

Now, here are the numbers you always need to contact if
your wallet, etc., has been stolen:

1.) Equifax: 1-800-525-6285

2.) Experian (formerly TRW): 1-888-397-3742

3.) Trans Union: 1-800-680-7289

4.) Social Security Administration (fraud line): 1-800-269-0271[/size]

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