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Making a good lure, look new
Dont know if anyone is doing anything to keep there prism shad lure looking new,I have noticed the front treble hooks really scratch up the lure and was wondering if anyone is doing somthing to stop that from happening,after a day of wiper fishing the lure is banged up and really scratched up,any ideas on how I can get them looking new,or somthing we can put on them to make them more scratch resistant,thanks for any info.


Hey fishinfool, dont mess with it! Those lures are trophies in themselves. A lure that is so beat up that it has no paint, has a ton of teeth marks and scratches, and still catches fish is the best thing you can have in your tackle box. I always loose them when they get to be that beat anyways. finally something gives and the trophy is lost. Seriously, there is a guy who custom finishes lures with airbrushes. I read about his buisness in like field and stream. He will take old or new lures and paint them up however you want. But the best ones he does, are the ones where a guy sends him a picture of a beat up, banged up, thrashed lure that some one wants repainted to look exaxctly like the one that they lost. I personally wouldnt change a lure that still produces fish. The day is stops catching fish, is the day it should go on the shelf with the other trophies.

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