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Hummingbirds are on their way!
The hummers will be arriving in Michigan
soon! Please check out this web site w/ the 2005
hummingbird migration map. You can also add your
first sightings as well!

[url ""][/url]
Hey dave seen any h-birds yet?
saw a couple here in ct today
I think they made a haisty retreat this past weekend. we got a foot of snow here saturday and sunday.....
i saw that on the news,winter dosn't want to leave,is this global warming?
it is actualy caused by an atmostpheric interuption like a small astorid plumiting in to the atlantic ocean.

first sighn is the 70 foot mistery wave that batters an ocean cruse ship, then major tidal wind changes pushes jet streams around for a few days.

it takes a week or two for things to settle back down.

we are not talking about a real big one, just the size of a cement truck....

had it have hit land it would have resulted in an impact equivalant to an atom bomb. every thing a mile in every direction would have felt direct precussions of the impact.

You wont hear this weather braudcast on your local channal, this is the weather nobody wants to hear...[shocked]
Windy has many of them birds hanging around her place right now. I went over there the other day and when the backdoor was opend 3 of them little ones flew right inside. I looked out back and all 7 feeders she has out there for them wher surounded by some of the prettyest birds I have seen. She said some are the regulers but she has noticed 3 new ones over the last week that are supose to be farther south. She has 4 of then that belong in your area hanging around for more than two weeks now.
I spotted my first humming bird of the year last tuesday around 1 pm.

I dont put out feeders for them, I used to but they liked my morning glories better and wouldnt mess with the feeder so I dont bother with it any more..

it is odd to see people who can stand out side and not scare those timid little birds. my dad is one and I am one, its good to hear windy is one as well. this means that nature's animals trust and know you mean them no harm....

on the other hand I know ever more people who have never seen a humming bird out side of a picture book or movie screen. its amazing to think that there is a greater number people who never sees a huming bird thier entire lives and may never see a humming bird in thier yard or any yard for that matter....

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