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have a good 4th.
i'm heading off to fly fishing camp for the 4th of july weekend .
the upper little manistee river near greyling , my little piece of heaven on earth .
by day , it's a small unasuming campground full of family type goings on , but just before dusk , the river calls about a hundred of us flymen to its banks .
we nod at each other , maybe speak a hello or two , and take our spots upon the waters without another word spoken . each man knowing his exact place on the river as his own domain. you can smell the pines in the gentle breese , a misplaced drop of deet burns the corner of your lip , it's whiped away as you gase at the last beams of sunlight fading away .
the air cools as nightfall approaches and the mist starts to rise .
from down the river the whipping sound starts it's travels upriver , jumping from one fishermen to the next , you wait , you watch ,when will it be your turn .
the sound begins to creep closer and closer , you strip off a couple yards of line and peer onto the rivers surface , straining to see only by starlight or beams of moonglow .
you roll your line between your fingers, adjust your grip , never envoking a blink to disrupt your gase upon the surface.
and then it comes , the tineyest of ripples , and a all to familiar gulp sound that automaticly sets your arm in motion ,
it is your time now , life outside your view dosen't exsist , the only thing that matters at all is that little hook you wrapped so carefully earlier in the afternoon , floating on your hopes and dreams it is approaching that last large ripple left by a large brookie , brown or rainbow .
your poised for action , timing is everything now , too early or too late and you miss what might be the fish of a lifetime , but you know your ready, years of practice have lead to this one moment in time .

Hell of a time for the kids to hit you with that 500,000,000 watt spotlight and yelling "did ya' get one yet, Dad ?"

have a happy 4th my friends , hope you got a Smile to start the weekend off right [Wink].
your friend , lonehunter
p.s. , i'll be back monday evening .

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