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Cheif Justice dead
wow i just heard on the news that william reinquist has died, that is going to shake up the supreme court, he was trying to stick G-dub out, i dont think that he wanted george to choose his replacement
its pick on gerogie day!!

I had the same fealing after a couple weeks back when he said he plans to die on his seat.

makes me wonder if old georgie is planning on putting hillary in the cheif justice seat....

after all she tryed to impeach nixion, sounds like she would be the next in susession....[crazy]
Apparentely, John Roberts has been in the works for sometiem. It makes since, especially since he did help Kent Starr and that ultimately helped defeat Gore. The new question is Who will replace O'Conner?
Personally i think that roberts will make an awesome cheif justice, bush picked well when he nominated him.

First and formost it should be top priority to get the new cheif justice in place asap. then we can focus on o'conners replacement, bless he heart she said that she would stay on the bench untill her replacement is sworn in. There was speculation that an appelate judge from louisanna or mississippi, i cant remember her name, would replace justice o'connor. I think that if she has the credentials and the good sence, she is deservingofte seat, i fully trust the pres. to pick a worthy replacement.

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