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Kona Hawaii fishing report
Kona Hawaii fishing report 12/16/02

I’m doing the monthly fishing report a little early this month. My booking calendar is full ‘til the end of the year and if I don’t get the report out now, it just might not get done. To type a report and post it all over the fishing web sites takes a few hours. I started posting the Kona fishing report on the web in ’98 and in all these years, I only missed one month. Letters (emails) I get throughout the year thanking me for the reports is the only reason I’m still doing it today. So, here’s the latest scoop on Kona fishing. Mahi mahi tops the most common catch for this month. Nice sizes too. Common Kona fishing charter tackle consists of 80 and 130 pound test set-ups but this is the time of the year I like to live dangerously. Trolling and live baiting with some of my 30-pound test stand-up tackle when I have clients on board that look like they can handle it. Mahi mahi and striped marlin (also common this time of year) are much more fun on stand-up than with a huge 130 lb. test wench. If you do hook up with a big blue marlin though, chances aren’t too good that you’ll get it in. Earlier this year, Steve Broderick caught a 186 pound striped marlin with me on stand-up and it remains as the biggest striped marlin caught in Kona since the Hawaii state record was set in ’96. Other big fish caught with me this year on stand-up tackle also made Kona’s “big fish list”. As I wrap-up the fish counts for the year, it’s obvious that I made it as the top sportfish catching captain in Kona now for the 6th year in a row. OK, enough patting myself on the back [blush] back to fish reporting.

The spearfish are starting to move in. Good eatin’ stuff! Striped marlin bites are still slow for this time of year but since the past two years have been good for the stripies, let’s just hope they’re running a little late this year. The winter blue marlin bite was pretty good last year and it’s the same this year. The bigeye tuna bite has been poor for the past two years. It looks like a repeat of that again this winter. A few small ones here and there but not the run it should be. Snapper and grouper catches are slow for this time of year too. No big deal! Get out of the snow and cold and warm your bones in the Kona sunshine. As the fishing seasons and water conditions change, a good captain knows where to find the fish. Sunshine and screamin’ reels! What are you waiting for?

See ‘ya on the water ,
Capt. Jeff Rogers ,

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