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escaped armed and concidered dangerous
Dolphins in the gulf may have escaped a military ficility armed with poinous darts guns and have been traind to shoot at people should some one get around them.

Government officials wont confirm as to weather or not the dolphins have gotten loose but do admit that they have been training dolphins for national defence against posible terrorist....
[cool][Wink]You being silly again Dave?[sly] I thought they were sharks with friggin' lasers attached to their heads.[sly]..
[cool][Wink]I guess you weren't trying to pull one over on us. I just found this article as i was reading the news.

[font "Arial"][size 5]Armed and dangerous - Flipper the firing dolphin let loose by Katrina[/size][/font]

[font "Geneva,Arial,sans-serif"][size 2]by Mark Townsend Houston
Sunday September 25, 2005
[url ""][#003366]The Observer[/#003366][/url]

[/size][/font] [font "Geneva,Arial,sans-serif"][size 2]It may be the oddest tale to emerge from the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Armed dolphins, trained by the US military to shoot terrorists and pinpoint spies underwater, may be missing in the Gulf of Mexico.
Experts who have studied the US navy's cetacean training exercises claim the 36 mammals could be carrying 'toxic dart' guns. Divers and surfers risk attack, they claim, from a species considered to be among the planet's smartest. The US navy admits it has been training dolphins for military purposes, but has refused to confirm that any are missing.
Dolphins have been trained in attack-and-kill missions since the Cold War. The US Atlantic bottlenose dolphins have apparently been taught to shoot terrorists attacking military vessels. Their coastal compound was breached during the storm, sweeping them out to sea. But those who have studied the controversial use of dolphins in the US defence programme claim it is vital they are caught quickly.
Leo Sheridan, 72, a respected accident investigator who has worked for government and industry, said he had received intelligence from sources close to the US government's marine fisheries service confirming dolphins had escaped.
'My concern is that they have learnt to shoot at divers in wetsuits who have simulated terrorists in exercises. If divers or windsurfers are mistaken for a spy or suicide bomber and if equipped with special harnesses carrying toxic darts, they could fire,' he said. 'The darts are designed to put the target to sleep so they can be interrogated later, but what happens if the victim is not found for hours?'
Usually dolphins were controlled via signals transmitted through a neck harness. 'The question is, were these dolphins made secure before Katrina struck?' said Sheridan.
The mystery surfaced when a separate group of dolphins was washed from a commercial oceanarium on the Mississippi coast during Katrina. Eight were found with the navy's help, but the dolphins were not returned until US navy scientists had examined them.
Sheridan is convinced the scientists were keen to ensure the dolphins were not the navy's, understood to be kept in training ponds in a sound in Louisiana, close to Lake Pontchartrain, whose waters devastated New Orleans.
The navy launched the classified Cetacean Intelligence Mission in San Diego in 1989, where dolphins, fitted with harnesses and small electrodes planted under their skin, were taught to patrol and protect Trident submarines in harbour and stationary warships at sea.
Criticism from animal rights groups ensured the use of dolphins became more secretive. But the project gained impetus after the Yemen terror attack on the USS Cole in 2000. Dolphins have also been used to detect mines near an Iraqi port.[/size][/font]
LoL you can never tell if a clown is trying to give you a streat line or tickle your funny bone with a pipe wrench...[sly]

just when ya thought things couldnt get any krazier they find a way....

On a more somber note Maxwell Smart passed yesterday at the age of 82 from a lung infection.

agent 86 will be missed at my house and that other cute little number 99... I havent herd of her passing but in the same light they did not show her among those surounding him in his passing.
here is another wooper, (fact or fiction you guess)

today in the state of new york a woman was ticketed with a fine of $1000.oo fine and or 90 days at the plate printing farm.

for what you ask? For sitting on a park bench with out being in posession of a kid.
I met a little runaway many years ago with those same eyes, when she ran away she took my heart right along with those baby blues...[Sad]

ya that sure was a kool show, along with F-Troop and that qute little blond brush wacker, and lets not forget granny and ellie may (note I did not say "bush wacker"[sly])

I havent heard about any of those gals in quite some time eather, I am sure granny is dead now, tho she I beleive would only be in her late 60's early 70's now. she wasnt vary old when she did the beverly hillbillies. they just did a good job with the granny makeup... but boy could I use a swig of her rumitis medicin right about now...[Tongue]
[center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4]Well according to WNBC News the story is true. Check out this link to their site: [/size][/green][/font][url ""][/url][/center]
well I must have been sippin on the rumitis a little bit heavey... the girls all look pritter at closin time... LOL

that would mean she died in 72 or 3. I could have sworn thay made a move back in the 80's.

Ok try this one, fact or fiction

yesterday a comercial fisherman was pulling in a net when a tentical reached over the side of the boad and rapped around his ancle. he cut the tentical and the otipus went away, they said it would be ok and that the tentical would grow back,

It made me wonder if thay threw squid leg on the barbie for dinner last nite, and how many people would a 20 foot tentical feed?

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