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If you want to ride a horse
Can you pass this on?

You think this may not apply to you, it is just one more area being lost to
horseman. Working together we can become a mighty force to protect and
preserve all type of areas open to horseback riding.

Please write to your Congressperson requesting that s/he become a co-sponsor
of H.R. 586--the Right-to-Ride Livestock on Federal Lands Act of 2005. The
purpose of this bill is "To preserve the use and access of pack and Saddle
stock animals on public lands, including wilderness areas, national
monuments, and other specifically designated areas, administered by the
National Park Service, the Bureau of Land Management, the United States Fish
and Wildlife Service, or the Forest Service where there is a historical
tradition of such use,.... " You can see the text by entering the bill
number at [url ""][/url], also see who has already signed on as
co-sponsors. According to AQHA and other sources, a variety of other types
of users, or would-be users, are lobbying to exclude horses from many areas.

Then you can send the same message to both your senators, only asking them
to co-sponsor S. 781.

The process has been made easier by the AQHA website. Click on link below
to register your zip code (I just did) - just takes a moment. Although
this is sponsored by the Quarter Horse Association, it applies to all

Subject: Important - Right to Ride - please act quickly

It was noted at the Backcountry Horsemen of Washington meeting Saturday that
the recent request to contact our legislators about the Right to Ride bill
fell short of being persuasive. Of the some 3100 members of BCHW only a
handful responded. Other federal lands users are working hard to exclude
the horseman from our mountain trails.

-If you want to ride a horse on federal lands in the future (or you want
your grandkids to) send an email today. It's as easy as clicking on this
link below and entering your zip code, etc. It only takes a moment to do.

[url ""][/url]


lease pass this on to as many other equestrians or persons that would be
just as interested in this matter as possible.

Thank you!


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