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You can't do that !
Yesterday Idecided to take my new Savage 270 out for a sight in on state land . I knew of a steep ravine that gave me a good clear distance with a large backstop area to stop any wayword shots that might happen . I first walked the area to make sure no one was in the line of fire , set up my targets , had my hunter orange winter hunting gear on (to simulate the clothing conditions I would be using while hunting ) and boresighted my scope prior to taking any shots , and if that wasen't enough , I made sure my hunting licenses were in my wallet .
I had made my second sequence of three shots , and was checking out the patterns I made when a pick-up came down the road bearing some other hunter . He yelled out " You can't be doing that , you can't be shooting a deer rifle here in roscommon county , this isn't westbranch !"
I was baffeled to say the least , what the heck was he talking about ?
I told him I was sighting in my gun , it is legal on state land as long as you follow the laws and regulations .
" not here " he replyed ,"this is bow hunting only area , no guns allowed ".
bow only ? , thats a new one to me , especially when I'm an avid bow hunter myself .
"A guy got shot here 2 years ago when someone was sighting in and the D.N.R. banned the sight in shooting here , public and private land , you can't even small game here".
Now it was then I knew this guy didn't have all his eggs in one basket , Private land , no small game , The laws didn't change that as far as I knew .
I talked with the guy for a bit , he was from bay city and was up for a weekend bowhunt about 3/4 of a mile from where I was shooting and he was afraid I was scaring away the deer , mind you this is about 2P.M. in the afternoon , he haden't seen a deer since daybreak . Surprising isn't it , nothing since daybreak ?
I let him know that I wasen't breaking any laws and I would be done shortley , most deer travel early morning and late evening and i was far away from him to not cause interfearance with his hunt .
"I'll call the D.N.R. on you , you'll be sorry , they will take your gun, car and licenses for five years ".
Whatever dude , I replied . He left spinning tires .
Now I've had sqirrle and bird hunters come by my tree stand , had a bird hunter draw up on me once so I can understand the guys fustration a little bit , but I'm definatley far enough away from him as not to interfere with him at all .
As i was leaving the area I spotted a D.N.R. C.O. and stoped to double check the sight in rules in case there had been any changes I might not be aware of , she let me know there haden't been any changes to the laws at all . I was in full compliance .
A little twist to the story is that the area that the guy is hunting , state land , has been papered with "no hunting - no tresspassing" signs , they have been looking for the person that put them up .

I guess all in all , if your not sure of the rules and regulations , consult your hunting guide book , check out the D.N.R. website or chat with a D.N.R. C.O. , they will give you the right info .
Relying on word of mouth from somebody just might end up with you paying the price in the long end .
sounds like a halloween prank... [Tongue]

Me thinks you have an anti hunter in the mist. or at the vary least some one who whats a peice of privet hunting woods.....

all you need to do if you want to catch the perp is have a "C.O." park on the side of the road with his personal car dressed up like a hunter walk though squril hunting and let off a half dozen round or so and wait for the perp to come and run you off.... LOL I would pay to see that...LOL
I'm just guessing the guy really,really, really wants to bag a big buck . [cool]
Maybe he fidgets around too much and puts the blame on everything else that goes on . I wouldn't be surprised if he was parking his truck under his tree stand or within viewing distance so he could keep an eye on it [crazy].
I target shoot at times of the day as not to interfere with anyone bowhunting , a blast from a 12 ga. is just as loud as a 270 , i hope the tree chickens appreatiate the guys endevors to keep it quiet in those woods .

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