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Lions Fire head coach
well after last weeks turkey shoot at the new ford feild in detroit fan walk out on the third quarter Lions owner fires Head Coach Mariochi.

I heard it first here on bigfishtackle through a pm by one of our members who could not beleive the lions would jump horses in mid river.

walk out and the media calling for him getting the ax for the last 4 days left Lions owners fealing like they had to do something.

Personaly I think they made the wrong call. Joe Harington has been on the team for 4 seasons now and has failed to prove he deserves in foot ball at all. it leaves me scratching my head. any one can watch any game and see the deer caught in the head lights look on his face. he inherently knows that the offence will not protect him, It is obveous that the offence and the quarter back do not want to play together.

It is also obveous that some of our offence would rather be laced up on drugs than playing the multi million dollar game.

Nope, I am not doing my usual ranting and raving, I am just calling them like I see them. Where is Howard Cocell when you need him....!

They needed to fire the entire offence and give moochie full controll on highering the next players and place them on a 8 game contract instead of 4 - 10 year multi million dollar contracts.

I watched on local news some of the interveiws of players comments about moochies fireing, there was a couple of them who could not hold back the snittt eating grins...

I said it years ago when they built that new stadium that it would only be a couple years before the new wears off and the fans once again stop going to the game.... Same thing Happend in Tigher Stadium, same thing happened in the Silver Dome, is it any surprize to any one it happened in Ford Feild?

I hate when I am right, only 2 and 1/2 seasons and the bright new shiny ford feild wont hold the fans any more.... I guess the Lions are eather going to have to start earning their pay or try out for womens volly ball.... I am sure the galls wouldnt mind woopin a few lions tails...LOL

any way lions spokes person said they have faith in the offence they have..... [ol] [li]Eather they need new binoculars or I need new glasses[/li] [li]I want some of what ever it is they are taking, I could use a rosie out look on bleek situations)[/li][/ol]

"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened." (Sir Winston Churchill 1874 - 1965); British politician.
Lion fans should be outraged. You guys just lost a great coach, but wait it gets worse, you've still got an owner who can't seem to right the ship. Detroit has had this problem for as long as I can remember and that goes back to the pre-barry sanders era. The coach is usually the first person that gets the finger pointed at him when the team isn't winning, however, this owner has been through how many coaches now? Its time for him to stand up and take the blame himself.
Well the detroit fans walked out on the third quarter because they realy wanted the bowl this year, The realy needed a pick me up with all that is going wrong in the city.

It is true the super bowl is comming to town, that is great for a few business people, but in the skeem of things the economical benifits wont help the avarage Joe on the streat. So for the rest of us it will be just another superbowl sunday. we will celibrate just the same as every year. but we wont be selling out at our taverns and sports bars for fifty miles in every direction.

this problem has been going on since 1954, excluding 54 because that was the last good year the lions has had. and that was before color tv... well at least in my house LOL...

Detroit lions has suffered for the rich man "show boating multi million dollar contractees who had only them selves in mind during every game"

Ya I can remember the mentality of sanders during his time on the team, he said and I quote "we would win more games if they would just put the ball in my hands" that was when I lost all intrest in him. he was not a team player. and truthfuly the lions did put the ball in his hands and he pick up all that yardage to get himself in the hall of fame but the truth is he always fell short of the goal. "Litteraly"

They fired Allen Trammal from the detroit tigers this year as well for the exact same reason. and that is to bad too cause I realy liked Allen Trammal as well.

to state the obvious, evey other team on the leage knows this and has been taking atvantage of the situation... to be honest if I were the other team I would too...

here it is...

harington is looking to see who is going to let the defence though so much he is holding on to the ball way to long causing his sacks because lets face it he is afraid to run with the ball,

cause lets face it, the offence blockers are lame, their hearts are not in the game or at least not trying to protect a team mate.

the receivers are running down the feild not looking back there for not makeing an opening for a posible play.

harington and the receivers are playing from different play books because it is obvoius that the oposing teams know more about the lions plays that the lions. Eather harinton is color blind and is spending way to much time trying to read the numbers on the jerseys or he has no short term memory and cant remember the plays he has just called. I say this because I have watched way to many games where the receiver was wide open standing still and harington thows the ball to the oposing team...

Worst of all is harinton is a readable as a "dick and jane reader" this will be understood by those of us old enough to remember our first readers in the first grade..LOL What I mean by this is his face expressions tells the defending team what he is going to do. and that deer caught in the head lights expression is just what it is... you can see the fear in his face.. and that is because the quarter back the line backers and the receivers are not playing as a team... and this spells "ANOTHER LIONS LOSS"

the owners cant see this from season to season so they never will get it right... cause thay wont give the head coach the full athority to bench those million dollar premadonas or demote them down to the highest paid backup players in the lueage.

these palyers are under contract so thay get paid weather or not the play on the feild, they dont care. but if placed back on the bench as a back up and cant pull their weight come the end of the contract they can be dropped off the roster. there for ending their football correers. "Ya coaches have to play hard ball with the attitude that you play for me or you play for nobody and you are only a team player when you are working for me because I am as much as part of the team as the quarter back receiver line backer and water boy"

I am not fealing sorry for moochie, he just got paid a 2 1/2 year vacation. in other words fords (the owner) is going to pay moochie his full contract agreement of 11 million dollars 10 of wich is still owed over the next two years.

lets face it, he will never have to work again if he dosnt want to... It is just the injustice that moochie has to take the blaim for the owners short commings and thier haveing to save face.

I am not impressed with the owners actions, and this just tells me that nothing is going to change for the lions... its just the "same O same O" firing moochie dosnt make me want to go out and buy a ticket for this sundays game... if they dont get a sell out and cant braudcast the game on tv, then I guess I will be watching a better game...LOL

O Ya by the way I am not a lions fan...LOL I gave up on them a few years ago for Tennessee. True the titans are looking bleek this year, but heay, they were playing pretty good the past few years so good teams deserve an off season once in a while.

as for the players interveiws, not a one of them said "we failed Moochie and our fans" for it is admitting failure only can we move ahead in life as a team as individuals. The premadona mentality is still there... Fireing Moochie did nothing but insult the intelegence of the lions fans. Just calling it like I see it... (howard cocell)

I agree the real loosers here is the Lions fans.

the only other team having a worst time of it than the lions is new orleans, they dont even have a home to play in or a fan to come and see them...
well I watched the lions suck on tv again today...

same suck new coach...LOL

hey the fans did find somthing to cheer about! the vikings.... every body loves a winner....LOL[sly]

there were a lot of oooo's for the lions today in ford feild, all of wich began with a "B" [angelic] we saw the same old plays, same old lack of tallent, same old lack of team sperit and willing to work toghter, same old I cant hold on to the ball when thown in to the bread basket routeen.....

they interveiwed the new coach after the game, and wouldnt ya know it.... same old prom queen story... I expected to hear something like these kids are not ready for a winning season are not ready as individuals not ready as a unified team.

I can tell ya this much, the lions franchise will be endangered as a marketable product next year if they dont deliver a super bowl win. the fans will be slow in returning to ford feild next year. ford feild sold out for the rest of the seson after a couple wins earlier this year. this will have fans playing on the side of causion before dumping the tones of money it cost to go see a lions game.

the lions owners unerestimated the intelengence of the lions fan...

this years tickest are already bought and cant be given away so ticket holders will show up at the gates, with B'oos ready to fling.

suckes to be a lion, realy sucks to be a lions fan with already paid for tickets.....LOL them poor season ticket holders.... any one want my place in line? LOL I am the last one in line and have no urge to take cuts......LOL
Should have canned Millen and left Mooch alone! Matt Millen was a great football player but so far he's a lousy GM. Now you've got players like Dre Bly claiming its the QB's fault and everyone pointing the finger. If your gonna clean house, Clean House, and start with the GM!!!!!
there was some entertainment at sundays lions viking game, quite comical might I add.

fans were being chased around bleachers by suckurity who where trying to throw them out of the stadium.... chants of fire millen could be heard over the reffs coments...


the man who made the paper bag sign was tackled brused up pretty good he received cuts and scrapes and was told he can never return to ford feild... I think he should have gone with the quarter back pass and just passed the sign along...LOL

any way new signs have popped up today all over METRO Detroit markees and peg boards that read "FIRE FORD & MILLEN"

I will have to send ford and millen a couple of my spare noses to wear the next time they want to talk on tv.... they act the part they may as well look the part...LOL

Good thing the lions arent vegitarians,,, I could emagine the salad bowl they would be playing in on any given sunday.....

I guess the news is out, the lions have been spade.... any one want a free kitty...LOL
Lmao. Your killing me Dave[sly]...
LOL you think I am bad check this out,

"[url ""]the rats are jumping a sinking ship[/url]"
selling thier foot ball loyalty to highest bidder

Started at .o1 and now is $8.50
[sly]Absolutely Hilarious! Now its up to 12bucks.. lol
If I hit the lottery tonight he is going to be wearing Tennessee Titain wordrobe all next year....LOL
Two guys from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan die and wake up in Hell.

The next day the Devil stops in to check on them and sees them dressed
in parkas, mittens and bomber hats warming themselves around the fire. The
Devil asks them, "What are you doing? Isn't it hot enough for you?"

The two guys reply, "Vell, ya know, we're from nordern Michigan, the
land of snow and ice and cold. We're just happy for a chance to warm up a
little bit, ya know."

The Devil decides that these two aren't miserable enough and turns up
the heat. The next morning he stops in again and there they are, still
dressed in parkas, hats and mittens. The Devil asks them again, "Its awfully
hot down here, can't you guys feel that?"

Again the two guys reply, "Vell, like we told you yesterday, we're
from nordern Michigan, the land of snow and ice and cold. We're just happy
for a chance to warm up a vee bit, ya know."

This gets the Devil quite steamed so he decides to fix the two guys.
He cranks the heat up as high as it will go. The people are wailing and
screaming every where. He stops by the room with the two guys from Michigan
and finds them in light jackets and hats, grilling walleye and drinking
beer. The Devil is astonished, "Everyone down here is in abject misery, and
you two seem to be enjoying yourself."

The two Michiganders reply, "Vell, ya know, we don't get too much varm
weather up dere in da UP, we've just got to have a fish fry when the
veather's this nice."

The Devil is absolutely furious; he can hardly see straight. Finally
he comes up with the answer. The two guys love the heat because they have
been cold all their lives. The Devil decides to turn all the heat off in
Hell. The next morning, the temperature is below zero, icicles are hanging
everywhere, people are shivering so bad that they are unable to wail,moan
and gnash their teeth. The Devil Smiles and heads for the room with the two
Michiganders. He gets there and finds them back in their parkas, bomber
hats, and mittens. They are jumping up and down, cheering, yelling and
screaming like mad men.
The Devil is dumb founded, "I don't understand, when I turn up the heat
you're happy. Now its freezing cold and you're still happy.
What is wrong with you two?"

The Michiganders look at the Devil in surprise, "Vell, don't ya know,
if Hell froze over dat must mean da Lions von da super bowl.
check this out, same game different sign five times bigger than the one drawn on a paper bag. this guy dosnt get tackled or thrown out of the stadium...

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=13338;]
well the bid is up to $286.oo, I have a hunch he is going to be a cheese head next year...LOL

bouy, it sure got ugly at last nights game... this time when the fans left they didnt leave all the way, they stepped out the door to bouy-cot.

man-a-war you should have seen the signs they were waveing then, worst one I saw on the news while the game was still playing was a million image with a green complection and the caption read, How GrinchMillien Stole Christmas.... LOL

the fans only had to get up and walk out in the third quarter resulting in a moochie canning, It would seem that millens job status is founded in concrete.

for 2006 predictions we wont need a cristal ball or a mistic to call this one, next year if any one shows up at all to ford feild they will be there to suport their perspective new favorite teams.... and those who still suport the lions will be brown bagging it.... [angelic]

Oh yah, I almost forgot, they were already booing the detroit tigers as well,

the natives are restless

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