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Scouting Strawberry
[size 2]We arrived at Mud Creek bay (the scout troop and I) around 6TongueM, Friday eve. It was dark before camp (on the ice) was set up, and by the time dinner was over and I tried any fishing it was at least 8TongueM. I sure love my new power auger. I don't know how I ever survived without it. The Ice measured 10 inches. I constructed me a home built ice shelter out of 3/4 inch PVC pipe using a blue tarp as a cover. It measures five feet wide, 8 feet long, and 5 feet high. I rolled my bed roll out and slept in the shelter over night. I had several light nibbles and at 9:00PM I pulled my first Cutt through the ice hole. As I am sure you all, already assumed, it was in the slot limit, so right back down the hole it went. I caught my second fish around 10ish. and about 11 I retired my pole and myself for the night. The moon was full, and very bright. The blue tarp did little to create any dark for me. I woke up around 4:AM and laid there wide awake, I knew I wouldn't get back to sleep, so I got up, got dressed and began fishing again. I caught my third and final Cutt around 6:AM. I did continue fishing until about 11:30, but with no further luck. I think most of you will be pleased to know that at about 10:30AM the DWR cops with guns and all, came out on the ice and was checking licenses etc. I had kept no fish to show, but was pleased to show him my 2003 license.[/size] [size 2][/size] [size 2]My feelings on Strawberry and the new regs are mixed. I enjoy taking a few fish home for a meal or two. With the new regs, it has become very unlikely to be able to do so. I don't know how much more attention I will give Strawberry for fishing this coming year. Right now I am of the feeling that I want to go somewhere where there is a better chance of taking home a few keepers. As it is right now, it has been two or three years, since I have had a "good" catching experience on Strawberry. However, that being said, if the new regs really help, then in the future, fishing Strawberry should become a great fun place to go and catch (and release) many large and healthy fish, that will pull a person in his/her float tube around for several minutes of wonderful bliss.[/size] [size 2][/size] [size 2]Good fishing to you all.[/size]
I got to hand it to ya Bryan, I loove to ice fish. But no way am I spending the night on the ice LOL

I hope the fishing picks up for our DOI[unsure]
Ya know, a lot of people think we are crazy for ice fishing. I just tell them that you just have to know how to dress for it and you don't get cold. The same is true for sleeping on the ice. When I was a scout master, I learned at one of our Round Tables how to make a "Taco Bag". Basically it consists of putting one sleeping bag inside another, wrapping it in a blanket. put a good insulater between you and the ground and then wrap that all in a tarp. Works great for staying warm. My biggest problem was that the inside sleeping bag was a mummy bag, and with everything else wrapped all around it I was quite closterfobic. Couldn't hardly move. But I did stay warm.

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