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Strawberry Skunk-Zilla
Yep, my first trip to Straw and I got skunked. In fact, out of 5 poles in the water, we got one bite all day!

We decided to try Mud Creek area. Got there about 7:30'ish. Got the one and only bite at about 8:15 and that was it! We were all over the place, all the way out into the main body of water. Drilled about 20 holes (note to self #1: Buy new blades for hand auger next trip to sportsmans). I threw every combo at them I could think of. Good news is all day I saw one guy catch a fish, that was it. So, I wasnt the only one not getting any action. We decided to head out about 5:00 and had a heck of a time getting the Honda thru the very thawed and gooey mud on the road (Note to self #2: Drive my gas guzzling 4WD next time) Still had fun and some great conversation out there

Saw AFDAN out there as well. Not sure of the success he had? Hey Hells Angler, was that you in the white chevy with the 4 wheeler in the back that passed me going up the canyon?

Oh yeah, a couple very nice rangers where out checking licenses. Going hole to hole on snow mobile's. They had no problem chatting for a few minutes before the roared off to the next hole
Not me , but I wasn't to far behind in my GMC and trailer . I should of had a 4 fish day ,but the rat finkee's didn't hold up on the pigs I hook when i first got there . Had to switch to green foxee jigs in the large size and caught my last bite .
Hey Terroy sorry to hear ya got skkunked at the berry. Now for the big question, did you use the Lunarr chart for this trip? I didn't get out at all cause the wife wasn't feeling well. But I think she may be getting over her ehhh cold ehhhh flu, ehhhh homones, heck I don't know. But i will be getting out this week, I have a new jig I want to try out.
Dan had mentioned something about it when I talked to him. I guess it was supposed to be the best fishing time or something?
Over the years at Strawberry I have kept both mental and written records of my outings. Though this is not a hard fast rule (there are times it does not apply at all) I have found that the lunar charts are very accurate for the berry. I in no way allow that to influnance wether or not I go there. I can say that I have had better succes following it. This year I am going to be adding a new twist to the lunar cycle by throwing in an astrological one also (more for fun than anything else). If you want to know more about the lunar cycle you can PM me. I'll try and explain how it is supposed to work. It sounds really complicated but it's not really once ya get the hang of it.

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