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Duck Eating Alien
This week a duck is found fluttering around, aperently he could not fly, a concerned citizen picked up the duck and took him to the vet.

the vet took an x ray of the duck and found the duck had swallowed an alien's whole head. To say the least the duck died of some kind of On La Rouge desease un related to the alien swallowing. I heard there were onions and carrots involved.

to get to the skinny, the x rays of the alien in the ducks stomach will be put up for auction on ebay vary soon... [center][shocked][/center] [center] [/center] [center]Just when you thought the x files was over and done[/center]
I saw that, its going to be interresting to see what the xrays go for

and last i heard on the news was that a biopsy proved the alien head to be a peice of corn

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