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Mini floatilla at Rock Cliff 8-3-06
[cool][#0000ff]Met up with Lunkerhunter2 and his buddy Justin. LH2 in a toon, and Justin and myself in tubes. Nice sunrise, calm morning, water temp 73. Water level has dropped about 10 feet in the last couple of weeks.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I started by casting a spinner as we kicked/rowed across to the south shoreline. Small trout were rising and I had one on briefly. Changed spinners several times but no more hits on hardware.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Jigged along the bank and picked up a few dinky perch (3 to 4 inchers). Did get one smallie about 10 inches on a small baitbug. Got doubles on six inch smallies on my tandem rig. Bitty bass.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Nobody was rocking them at Rock Cliff today. Didn't see any of the half dozen boats bring in any fish at all. Our group scored an occasional small perch or baby smallmouth. That's it.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I moved across the channel to the gravel shorelines on the north side. started getting lots more hits from small fish. Got a couple of sub-12 smallies and then got into an area of larger perch...up to 9". Tossed back a bunch but kept a half dozen for bait strips.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]LH2 had to leave early, for another commitment. I only stayed another half hour or so myself, and was off the water by a little after noon. Most of my fish came on small jigs and worm. The largest of the small fish came on the deadly confetti colored mini tubes. Had one bigger smallmouth dive into the brush along the bank. That stuff holds fish but it eats lures too.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]As I started in, the W kicked up...blowing directly from the launch ramp, of course. There were also a couple of PWC's that launched and did some noisy donuts fairly close to where I was fishing. Then they gunned their motors and shot out of the channel...completely ignoring the no wake zone.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Good to fish with ya again LH2. Next time let's order more and bigger fish.[/#0000ff]
Very nice report and pics . . . as always [cool].
You and I need to hit that lake togather. Anyways road and myself are hitting utah lake sunday. Will be nice to get out again.. Thanks for the report.
Thanks for the report and the pics. Seeing the pics of one of my favorite places really brightened up my work day. Sorry the Cliffs were uncooperative today. The water drawdown has pushed the quality perch out of where they were a few weeks ago, and complicated the bass fishing. There will be better days.
great report and as always great pictures dude.
thanks for sharing. [cool]
Thanks for all the goodies and a fun morning![Smile] Justin had a wonderful time also. First "real" tubin' trip for him. Hope your special treats cook up good.[cool]

BTW: Did you see the guy with the orange toon and the Cannon mini-troll down-rigger on the front? Holy sh** man, i though we had some eye-openers on this board but he takes the cake!! I'll get a pic up a little later.
[cool][#0000ff]He was one of the two guys from Layton that showed up about the same time I did. I gave them a BFT card and invited them to stop by. Don't be too harsh.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Did he catch anything on the rigger? [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I shall enjoy the "trade". Not often a guy can score wild game meat when fishing. Didn't fight very well though.[/#0000ff]
Neither of the 2 guys caught anything at all.[shocked][unsure]
Keeps ya thinkin'! What will they think of next?[cool]
[font "Times New Roman"][#ff4040][size 3]Great report, even though the fishies didn't cooperate as much as you would've liked them to. Now i know your B-day was just like a couple weeks ago, but come on now man... Having a senior moment already[Tongue] Man I hope when I growed up to be your age I can go into the future and fish the next day. 8-4-06???[/size][/#ff4040][/font]
[cool][#0000ff]I wouldn't expect you young whippersnappers to understand. You see, it's easier to avoid short term memory loss if you project everything into the future.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You mere mortals have no concept of the powers I possess. Not only can I fish in the future, but I can change the past. That's how I make those small fish I caught turn into bigger ones in the telling. Get it?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I edited the date in my original post, but just to keep from creating a time warp or messing up the continuum, I am going fishing today too. Not sure what date I'll put on the report. Depends on how well my senior meds are working at the time I post it.[/#0000ff]
[font "Times New Roman"][#ff4040][size 3]Well good luck on the fishing. I think I need to start projecting everything into the future. At the rate I'm going now I think that I will not remember my own name when I am your age.[/size][/#ff4040][/font]
I keep missing out, DARN, (dirty word, dirty word), I've got no vacation on the books, my time for the next 2 weekends is already spoken for! Well at least I got out twice this summer so far, maybe looking forward to ice fishing will help that out.

Hey Pat! Can you project me into the future for some ice fishing?
I don't have the time to reply to the forum much, but I had to take the time to say that the pictures of the "15inchers" absolutely made my day. Classic!
[cool][#0000ff]Hey Bro, good to see ya drop in again. Hope things are going well for you.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]About the know my ruler would not lie. It was either that or use my official "FISHING RULER"...see below:[/#0000ff]
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=12892;]
[cool][#0000ff]I DID project you into the future for some ice fishing, but you didn't catch any ice. You probably don't remember because when I returned you to the present, all future memory was wiped out...kinda like my computer.[/#0000ff]
Good then you didn't see me fall on my butt either!
wish i could have joined you guys up there but work keeps calling[Sad]
[cool][#0000ff]We missed ya, man. But, we have all been there. Sometimes ya gotta gulp a couple of times and do what the boss wants instead of what you want.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Just remember..."All work and no play gives Jack a heart attack". (TubeDude original)[/#0000ff]

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