08-10-2006, 10:49 PM
I headed down to Huntington yesterday. I stopped by the dam and a couple had just come off the lake in a boat and the F&G was doing a creel check. I walked down to see how they did. It looked like they had a limit of 17-18 inchers. Since it was about noon I decided to drive on down to Potters Pond. I had never been there so I wanted to check it out. When I got to Potters Ponds there were a few fish jumping so I went right to work with a fly and bubble. I walked around both ponds fishing as I went. I caught 11 bows out of the upper pond and 5 more out of the lower pond. I headed back to Huntington for the evening bite. Ha, Ha. As I drove past Millers Flat there were some fish jumping so I threw some flies at them and caught a couple of 6" bows. Then I continued on to Huntington. I did catch 1 12" cut and about 7 5-9" tigers. I left the worms at home so all I had was my flies. When I got up this morning I went down to the lake and caught 1 more 5" tiger. Enough of that so I went back to Potters. This time I got out in the middle in my tube. I fished until about noon, catching and releasing about 35 bows and one cut. Most were typical planter size, but one was 16 inches and fat as a football. As I was heading toward shore some people that had been shore fishing also started to leave. When they got to their truck which was parked right by the pond I could hear them talking. "Look at that big one. You could catch your limit right here. I got a couple of hits but they won't take it". I took my tube to my truck and then walked over to see what those people were talking about. When I got over to where they had been parked there was a little spot just off shore where the bows were boiling just like stripers. They were coming clear out of the water and some were pretty big. I tossed my flies into the boil and caught 7 more in about that many casts. I decided to keep a couple for a little post mortum. When I cleaned the fish the mystery was solved. Fish pellets. Those fish thought they had some how gotten back to the hatchery.