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jelly fish
any one here eating them?

how are they and how do you prepare them...
No one around my neck of the woods have tried them as far as I know. Must be something from the other side of the pond. Don't think I'll be grabbing any soon. [Tongue]
Its a chinese new year thing, that is from what I hear.... I was sitting in my food safty class the other day and the subject was brought up,

aperiently there is at least one resturant that prepairs them in my town, and I agree, I am in no hury to taist them either,

just thought I would ask if any one here has tried them...
you can have them in a sandwich,a peanut bunker and jellyfish sandwich[Tongue]
lol, I was waiting for some body to say that, .... and on toast..[laugh]
What kind of bread would you use???[Tongue]
ray bread[Smile]

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