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Care about fluke fishing? Read this and act now.
[url ""][Image: icon_minipost.gif][/url]Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 9:29 pm Post subject: Fluke season 2007 [url ""][Image: icon_quote.gif][/url]

I have been asked to post info pertaining to our fluke season next year.

Here is a very good article to read as a primer. Please go to

[url ""][/url] at the bottom of the home page is a box

with red lettering concerning fluking, click on that box. What follows is concise and a very informative writing about what is happening and why, who the players are and where they distribute millions of dollars.

Here are the basics.

This is managed by the feds and affects all the fluke States on the East Coast, NC to MA. It affects both recreational and commercial fishermen.

The laws arewritten saying that the fluke population (bioMass) has to be at 204 million #'s buy 2010. The scientists say there is a 104 million #'s population right now. They also say the 204 million # number can not be met by 2010 even if the seasons were shut down till 2010. The 204 million number was not backed by scientific evidence.

The feds are talking a 78% reduction in fluke landings in 2007 for both the recs and comms. This hits all the East Coast fluke States. The reduction would be from 19.? million #'s to 5.2 million #'s. Remember this is divided between recs and comms on the East Coast. That is an extremey short season.

The other possibility is a fluke closure for all of 2007. Then what happens in 2008 and beyond? I don't know if Heaven knows that answer.

Porgys, sea bass and bluefish are also included in these laws and are next in line.

As anglers we are in favor of conservation when needed. The scientists and those who have been on the waters for many years agree that the fluke population is at an all time high.

What to do? The United Boatmen of NJ and NY, the Recreational Fishing Alliiance, the Marine Trades Assoc, the NYFTTA (tackle shops), the Fisherman mag, the Noreast mag and site, surf clubs, and others are working to get the House of Representatives version of the Reauthorization of Magnuson/Stevens Act wording changed.

Right now the 2010 year is definite, no flexibility. We want to give flexibility towards reaching the 204 million #s number. Have the law state the number has to be reached but with flexibility in how long it will take. We all want the population of fluke to increase as that will benefit everyone.

Folks I write this as an angler as simply put as I can. Those of you that actually understand all the legalese mumbo jumbo can get more in depth info by checking other websites and reading what is being posted. Most of that stuff confuses me.

These groups mentioned above have undertaken a campagn of mailings to our representatives and also emails. The volume is large and has to get larger in numbers. We are being noticed due to all theses mailings.

[url ""][/url] home page has info on the mailings and emails. It will lead you to the [url ""][/url]
web site where in a minute or two you enter simple info and automatically emails will be sent to the President, 4 of your local reps based on the zip code you entered and the head of your DEP, DEC or what ever your State calls the environmential/conservational program.

For several weeks the Fisherman has had a letter in the mag you can copy and mail to your reps. We need everyone to mail in letters. Let the reps know loud and clear that we mean business.

For threads about Fisheries Management go to and read that forum.

A raffle is being run to raise as much money as possible to help pay the cost of sending our reps to Congress so they can fight for us. For more info go to the General Fishing Forum on Noreast and read the sticky threads.

At the last NY RFA meeting I asked the Executive Director of RFA Jim Donofrio if there were plans to form a CT chapter of the Recreational Fishing Alliance. He said yes and they are looking for the best people to get it started.

United we stand, divided we fall. What more can I say. This is very serious stuff folks. NY fluke season closed on Sept 12. The next day I stopped at the Captree State Park boat basin around 1:30 PM and the docks were a ghost town. Many boat crews went home without a days pay. This morning most pb's were still tied to the dock.

Thanks for reading this long post and I hope you found it worth your time.

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