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more of the same
went up to e-lake again yesterday and the fish are still going off up there.. any thing tiped with a worm or (millworms are good to)... the water is going up in the lake so there is 4" of slush on top of the ice and 8" of snow on top of that.. makes for some tuff walking!! the ice is from 15" to 17" thick and if that slush starts freezing than it might get a lot thicker soon.. we caught about 70 fish for the two of us in about 4hrs then the wind got to bad and had to go.

From the fuzzyfisher-----------------------fish on dudes
Looks like you guys really put the hurt on the fish. Nice work. Any size to them?
the size of the fish are runing from 12" to 18" around 1 to 2 1/2 lbs.. they are all cutt's and put up a good fight.. if you go more than 5 to 10 min's with out a bite someting is wrong.. most the time you will get one just droping it down to the bottom if not then right as it hits the bottom.. i had to put a heavyer jig on yesterday to get it to the bottom so i could get it past the smaller fish on the top and get to the bigger fish on the bottom[sly] from the fuzzyfisher --------------------- fish on dudes!!
[Wink] [#800000][size 2]Hey Fuzzy, It sounds like you are kickin' some arse up there. I have a question for you. How long does it take for that slush to freeze thats under the snow? I'm thinking about tonights storm.[/size][/#800000]
do you catch them there like that in the spring too?!?

Hey Fuzzy, how is the road to the dam? Do they keep it plowed? Do you think a ATV can get down to the ice? Thanks for your help, WH2
ok let me start here.. as for the slush freezing.. i dont know the water is comeing up on the lake so ether the ice is going to pop up or the water on top will freeze.. next as for catghing fish in the spring.. it is not as hot on open water most the time.. but it can be at other times.. with the ice on is the best time to hit it.. the fishing is hot all the time.. next the road to the dam is well kept and plowed and salted often.. but even then the snow is drifting all the time up there so you will have to watch out for that.. and next can you get a ATV on to the ice??.. NO!!! no way in hell can you get a ATV in there.. after this storm i dont know if i will be able you get my snowmobil it there.. we have 6"in the valley right now and still comeing down.. there was 8" of new the other day up there.. with this on top it might be to deep for the snowmobil to go through...

From the fuzzyfisher--------------------fish on dudes
I know I have asked this before, but I cannot for the life of me find the answer. Can anyone tell me how long it will take to get to Electric Lake from the Salt Lake area? I would love to try this place sometime, and I would love to drag my snowmobiles up there.

from S.L.C. it is about 2 hrs to E-lake about 1 1/2 to fairview.. then about 1/2 hr up the canyon and your there..

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