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Fly Tying Clinic - Denver
Since we have many new fly tiers on here and there are probably many more lerking:

The West Denver TU Fly Tying clinic with 50 or so of the best fly tiers in Colorado plus some from other states will be happening on Saturday Feb 10th. It is an annual fund raiser for Trout Unlimited - specifically for the West Denver Chapter

[url ""][/url]

If you are interested in the latest techniques, materials and such you may want to Venture to Denver.

These guys that you might recognize are generally there.:
A number of the Whiting Farms Demonstration tiers such as Sue Armstrong, BJ Lester, Al Makii
Denny Breer - Green River guide and fly shop owner
Charlie Craven - Charlie's Fly Box - professional fly tiers take lessons from this guy.
Pat Dorsey - FF author - orvis guide of the year 2002
John Betz - innovative fly tier and fly tying material developer. His flies have been on the cover of Fly Tier Magazine at least once.
Marty Bartholomew - FF author

At the Fly Fishing show last weekend Rick Takahashi told me he was planning to be there this year.
This years West Denver TU Fly Tying Clinic is shaping up to be the biggest and best ever. We have over 5 dozen fly tiers. They wil be demonstating everything from fresh water, saltwater, Steelhead patterns to fully dressed Atlantic Salmon flies.

This is a unique show in that it is fly tying only. 5 dozen of the best of the West.

West Denver TU
Fly Tying Clinic Coordinator --------- Feb 10th 8:30-3 pm Jeffco Fairgrounds - Golden Colorado get a discount coupon and find out more info at [url ""][/url]
[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Before I took up fly tying I would watch these guys for a few minutes then move on. Now I have a greater appreciation of their skills. Never too old to learn a few new tricks of the trade.[/size][/green][/font]

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