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Bean and Pasta Soup
1 x onion, chopped
2 clv garlic, crushed
4 x ripe tomatoes, peeled and deseeded
25 gm (1 oz) butter
750 ml (1 1/4 pints) milk
225 gm (8 oz) haricot beans, cooked, or other white beans
50 gm (2 oz) pasta spirals, cooked, or other pasta shapes
Salt and freshly ground pepper
Method :
Saute the onion, garlic and tomatoes in butter for a few minutes.
Pour on the milk and simmer for a few minutes.
Blend a little of the liquid and 50g (2 oz) of the beans to make a purie.
Add this and the remaining beans to the milk.
Add the pasta, reheat and season. Serve hot with brown bread.

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