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Anyone for doing some crabbing?
[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Thought that you crabbers would appreciate this video.[/size][/green][/font]
I'm into crabbing. Those litte Reds on Chrismas Islands are off limits during their spawn. That must be rough having to transport a dozen of them on the float tube though.[cool]
Thanks for the share Dryrod, that warms every crabbers heart. And I thought getting 25 a day was real good. LOL
They raised our limit to 35. I don't know if they count the ones that stick to your wheel well.[crazy]
Dang, that's alot of future crab cakes running around. LOL

I remember seeing something similar to that on the discovery channel a while back when I had cable. They are pretty cool to watch get around.

We had a similar type crab in Guam. You had to be careful what you rested up against, those crabs where everywhere...........Trees, rocks, in your house [Tongue]

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