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Hyrum Update
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Ice is almost off! My granddaughter and I walked to the reservior and the ice sheet has splint in two. There is thirty to fifty feet of open water around the edge and a giant split of open water running north and south that about 50 feet wide in the middle of the lake. With the current temperatures in the high forties, a guy could launch this weekend and have first shot at fish that have not seen a fisherman in almost two months! Granted there may be a little ice still on but nothing a boat couldn't negotiate.[/size][/font]
I saw a guy run his boat through the ice all the way from the launch across the reservoir to Devil's Half Acre today. Must not be very thick. There's already quite a bit of open water, especially in the back.

I fished off Rocky Point at Hyrum today and caught multiple Rainbows on a black Panther Martin with red dots. They wouldn't touch my yellow one with red dots or anything else for that matter (didn't try bait).

With the lack of safe ice at Hyrum this winter, many of the Rainbows that were planted in the Fall are still there and they've had a chance to grow a bit over the winter. I caught several in the 14 - 16 inch range. Most were 12 - 13 inchers.
I fished Hyrum with my boys Saturday and Sunday we caught about 70 fish from the boat ramp. We were using orange powerbait about 3' off the bottom. It's sure fun for a little kid to catch a mess of fish. I just wish they were a little bigger.

[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Thanks for the report, Badger. By the sound of it, Hyrum should be pretty hot for a few weeks. Those kids were lovin' it I'll bet! Welcome to the boards and hope to see a lot more of your reports.[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]I noticed that all the ice is off Hyrum for those who were thinking about trying it in a boat. The fishing should be pretty good as mention in the above posts. Good Luck and post a report![/size][/font]

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