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I don't know the answer
[center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Here is one of my Dad's old salt water reels. The only marking are "Steel Pivot" on the side plate and 300 on the seat base. I am taking a guess that it is least 80 years old. Any ideas as to the make?[/size][/green][/font]
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=23792;][/center]
That looks like one of the old Trueline reels. It is too thick to be a Penn.[cool]
What about a "mitchell Garcia?" Wheren't they around back then?
[center][cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Hey there T4M - I doubt that Garcia Mitchell was in back in the 1920s. They are no longer in business. Hey how about this ad from the 50's:[/size][/green][/font]
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=23910;][/center]
I still have some of the older Mitchells. 300, 304, 306 and a 400 series for saltwater.[cool]
i got some of those too.they work better than some of the new ones i have!!!!
I also have one of the old "mitchel Garcias" from back in the day. It's the white faced model, about the size of a 3/0 Penn, and it has a big, round handle. I'll take a picture of it next time i'm over at my parents house. I think my dad has one of those reels that DR posted too, the one with the cork screw level wind. I'll make sure and get pictures, that would be cool to share with you guys. [Smile]
They where the reel to have back in the 60's. We had a few in the boat.

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