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Newbie's Pimped ODC 420 at Lincoln Beach
[cool][font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 1][#0000ff]We were supposed to meet BFTers road and jbnsigma at Lincoln Beach about daybreak this morning. TubeBabe and I commented on the big full moon hanging over the western horizon as we drove south. We started making up the excuses we might need for a poor day...full moon, heavy winds (usually caused by road), newbie jinx (Justin's new tricked out tube), incoming weather, etc.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Turns out we didn't need no steenking excuses. We did fine. Road did not show. Surprised...and so were the weather gods. No W. Lovely calm morning. Jnbsigma was late...about an hour after TubeBabe and I hit the water. I caught my first cat as he drove up.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We were also joined by a new BFTer, BegN4Bass, or something like that. He works with Out4Trout and recently registered, although he has not posted much. He paddled out and anchored near the reeds in his cartop canoe.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Water temp at 6 :30 launch was 63. Climbed to 67 by the time we got off the water about noon.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I fished a whole bunch of different plastics and hardbaits, in addition to dragging minnows and carp meat. I caught two small white bass and my first (landed) walleye (13") of the year. I got the first catfish on a piece of carp meat below a bobber. I got two other cats on minnow and the other on carp meat.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]My largest cat was 24" and just over 6 pounds. Tubebabe also caught 3 cats, but she had the 27" and just over 8#. Her second largest was just smaller than my largest. Her smallest was a 5# daddy cat. We each caught one male and two females today.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Jbnsigma acted like he did not want to be around us. When he got launched, he powered over to the dike area and wasted a couple of hours in nonproductive water. Then he came over to our side of the channel, but went in shallow and fished more nonproductive water. If he had "hooked up" with us, we could have probably got him into a couple of cat-tussles.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Shirt sleeve weather with no W until about 10. Then, the deadly north breeze came in and killed the fishing. Didn't have another munch after that. Still took me two hours to fish my way back to the vehicle.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Good to meet you Allen (Bass Guy) and sorta good to fish (the same lake) with you Justin.[/#0000ff]
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