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Cold water shock danger to early season anglers
The Minnesota DNR is reminding early season anglers of the danger of cold water shock and the importance of wearing a life jacket, especially in May and early June.

"The shock of a fall into cold water is certainly one of the biggest hazards to early season anglers," said Tim Smalley, DNR boating safety specialist. "The gasp caused by sudden immersion in icy water can cause victims to inhale water and drown if they aren't wearing a life vest."

It was once thought that good swimmers who drowned after falling overboard into cold water were succumbing to heart attacks. While that may happen when somebody is suddenly immersed in cold water, researchers are finding most who drown, die due to the torso reflex rather than a cardiac episode.

"The torso reflex is the gasp that happens when your face and chest suddenly enter cold water. The gasp is automatic and nearly impossible to stop. If your face is underwater when it happens, it's often fatal, unless of course you're wearing a life vest," Smalley noted. Boats are required to carry one wearable U.S. Coast Guard approved wearable personal flotation device (life jacket) of the proper size for each person readily accessible on board the boat. Boats 16 feet and longer also must carry a U.S. Coast Guard approved type IV throwable seat cushion or ring buoy on board.

The DNR recommends everyone wear life jackets this time of year. "While the emphasis tends to be on children wearing life jackets, it's the adults who die most often in boating accidents," Smalley said. "There have been a fair number of cases in Minnesota where an adult has drowned in a boat accident, but the child who was wearing a life jacket was just fine."

To get the free "Minnesota Boating Guide" and other boating safety information, call the DNR at (651) 296-6157 or toll free at 1-888-MINNDNR (646-6367). Information can also be downloaded from the DNR's Web site at


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