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This little 9X9 has been spending the past 3 weeks of these summer afternoons in the backyard of a friend of mine, here in Bear Valley Springs, near Tehachapi, Ca. There are actualle 3 nice bulls, but I can't get a good picture of them with my digital, but have a nice vidoe, shaky, but ok, but stills from the video are too grainy because we're about 300 yards away and I'm zoomed all the way in on the video so the pics are crappy, but Charles took this picture this week from his backyard.
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Must be a Thule Elk, Huh?
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Hey Moose, That is a nice bull. I would not turn him down!
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Joined: Feb 2003
Sweet! Must be nice to have those dudes hangin' in your hood!
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Joined: Jun 2003
Yeah he's nice and so is his little brother who is a 7X8, but alas no hunting in this area, it 25,000 acres of residential and 2700 homes in the area, so these nice bulls are safe unless some fool tries to take one out. These bulls are in the backyard of a friend who has 23 acres, so they are at the very back in the trees most of the time. When people get too close the neighbors call the cops and they get chased away. I'm told last year someone popped a nice bull in the valley and got caught. They aren't as tough as the Utah game cops, but still lost $10,000 in fines and 6 months in jail, but they didn't loose their hunting stuff. Utah game cops take eveything, truck, camper, quads, guns, first born, then fine you and in some cases take your hunting privaledges away for a long time.