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Ok, so I've had this Hawken 50 cal rifle for a couple of years now and still haven't learned to use it. I really want to learn to shoot blackpowder, but would also like to find out how much this thing is worth. From the little I've been able to find, it's not one of the old original Hawkens. It has a brass buttplate, trigger guard, and patch compartment in the stock. However, it's a VERY nice looking gun. I take good care of my guns, and this is probably the best looking one in my safe.
Anyway, any help I can get would be appreciated.
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Just guessing but I think your Hawken, If its a true Thompson center hawken, is worh 250-350 in top shape. Since the introduction of the new inlines on the market, They have turned into a back up gun or show peice for the wall for most folks. There is still some of the hard core front stuffers that will always use them.
do you want to use pyrodex or True black powder? I prefer Pyrodex, IF you live in the Ogden area, I like Kents shooters. You will get a little better customer service there. If not Sportsmans will help you greatly to get all of your little tools and assesories that you need.
You will need to season your barrel. Kind of like a dutch oven. I would shoot two shots, Clean, 2 shots clean for about 20 rounds. this will take a little time but worth the effort for the added accuracy that you will get.
Shoot some round balls for your seasoning process. Cheaper and dont worry about your sighting in yet. Then once your broke in and seasoning started, Sight in with whatever bullet you plan on using. That ones is totally up to you. Lots to choose from.
Try using some good old windex window cleaner with Ammonia. It breaks down the powder and helps clean it up good. Besides its pretty cheap and comes in a large container.
Plenty of whatever caliber cleaning patches. then use Thompson Bore butter to put a light coat in the barrel to help with the saesoning process and keeps the bore in good shape.
These all work for me. I am sure that some others have some ideas that will help. Hope this helps.
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The lead ball is a hell of an idea Mark. for some reason i was just going to use my expensive hunting slugs for it all. Great idea, thanks.[cool]
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Yes, save them for the sight in period. Then once you find the one you want, Use it ALL THE TIME.