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PETA - Can you believe this?
PETA Proposes Excise Tax on Meat
PETA wants you to pay a ten cent tax on meat
June 4, 2007 (National)

Are you a meat and potatoes kind of guy? If you like a good burger and fries, or fried chicken and biscuits, animal activists think you ought to pay more for your meal.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has kicked off a new “Tax Meat” Campaign, proposing a $.10 per pound excise tax to be paid on meat, the same way that gasoline, tobacco, and alcohol taxes are paid so that tax is calculated into the retail price.

PETA suggests that money raised by its “Tax Meat” scheme could be “put into health education and preventative medicine.” Translation – the money could be used to advocate vegetarian and vegan diets and promote the animal rights movement.

Animal activists have also asked federal lawmakers to give tax breaks to those who have sworn off the consumption of animals.

On May 30, PETA founder Ingrid Newkirk sent letters to Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nanci Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid urging them to extend vegetarians the tax breaks that hybrid car owners receive for purchasing vehicles with low carbon emissions. She claims vegetarians are responsible for fewer greenhouse-gas emissions and environmental degradations than meat-eaters.
hmmm, soy beans are already subsidized. hence tofoo is almost free to them. so why not use an exize tax on tofoo, and devot it to the health and welfare education of those who are dieing from starvation and mallnutrition from consuming a died of an oil based by product.

thats right, soy bean is draind of oil and nutrients to make plastic, much is used for grocery bags, and soy is squeezed for deseal oil as well, and what is left after all the squeezins is tofoo...

they have deprived them selves of nutirents so long thay are feeding on comercail waist.

so I say lets sir tax the tofoo at a $1.10 per pound

just think how healthy they will be by thanksgiving when they have to subistute toferky for turkey...
[size 1]On May 30, PETA founder Ingrid Newkirk sent letters to Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nanci Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid urging them to extend vegetarians the tax breaks that hybrid car owners receive for purchasing vehicles with low carbon emissions. She claims vegetarians are responsible for fewer greenhouse-gas emissions and environmental degradations than meat-eaters. [/size]

[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Are you kidding me? We all know what happens with people who eat lots of beans as a protein replacement for meat![/size][/black][/font]

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