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Which ice auger?
I'm in need of a new ice auger for this years season, and considering I have an excess in money after todays payday, I'd like to invest in a new ice auger. I'm trying to find one in the $100 range, hand power. Any suggestions on decent models? I had a blue Mora from Walmart last year(only one I could find in January) and I have to say I hated taking 10 minutes to punch a single hole. That and I broke a blade the final trip(I finally had enough of it). Thanks in advance for any advice.
8" Strikemaster Lazer by Mora (yeah, same one) is excellent. Sells for $60 or so in most places. Breaks down into 2 pieces and packs away nicely. Cuts very fast and is light weight.
As with all augers, be very, very careful with the blades and don't bump them against anything! This will change the alignment and you'll use the Armstrong method until you're ready to collapse and not make any progress! Also, keep those babies sharp and tightened frequently. Always carry an appropriate hex key with you.

You'll get lots of hints and ideas with this post question. Have fun!!
My advise would be save a few more $$$ get a gas power Ice auger. Your arms and shoulders will thank you plus youll end wanting one anyways [Wink]

8" Strikemaster Lazer by Mora (yeah, same one) is excellent. Sells for $60 or so in most places. Breaks down into 2 pieces and packs away nicely. Cuts very fast and is light weight.
As with all augers, be very, very careful with the blades and don't bump them against anything! This will change the alignment and you'll use the Armstrong method until you're ready to collapse and not make any progress! Also, keep those babies sharp and tightened frequently. Always carry an appropriate hex key with you.

You'll get lots of hints and ideas with this post question. Have fun!![/reply]
I too have a strike master and only paid $20 in feb. It had been used 2 times and was on deals are out there and should be coming in a month or 2 if you can wait....
I used to have a hand auger never again!![pirate] I can drill a ton more holes and have more fishing time with the gas auger. For about $200-$225 you can get a good one.I have mine now for 3 years and it was well worth the money. You decide ! [Wink]
Thanks guys. I'm thinking I'm just gonna wait till next paycheck and get a gas one. I was thinking they were a lot more expensive. I guess I'll have a good reason to get out on the ice a lot more this year!
Good choice.[Wink]
IMHO it is nice to own both. When the ice is thinner at the start of the ice season I use my hand auger, and then when it gets thicker (8 inches or so) I switch to my power auger. Because I do not own a snowmobile or a four wheeler it is nice not having to drag the heavy power auger around when a hand auger will do the job.
I hear you on the weight thing. Like Kent I stick with the hand auger at the first of the season, then break out the big dawg when the ice gets thick. Sometime you just want to pack light no matter the ice thickness though, and the hand auger is the only way to travel.
I only have a hand auger. Guess what! It starts every time!! I can generally have a hole drilled by the time some of those power augers start. They do out drill me on the second and third holes however... There have been times when the power squad borrowed my hand auger because theirs won't start. For now, the dependablility of the hand auger and weight thing persuade me to go manual, but as I get older I can see a power auger under the Christmas tree...but not yet!

I actually have two hand augers. 6" and an 8". Sometimes I take both. I do my search holes with the 6", cuts through in a hurry! Then if I get on large fish I'll drill an 8" hole for the line and use the 6" hole for the finder.

Just another opinion,

"[font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 1][font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 1]but as I get older" I will leave that one alone Chester....... And you have to remember you do have a power auger, that 6'4"power auger that lives in your basement, I am pretty sure he can get through just about any ice, not to mention you have to get something out of all those groceries [Wink]
Yea, it's a sweet deal! Dump junk food in that 6'4" power auger and he cranks out holes!!! Only problem is that he only goes ice fishing about once a month, and I like to go at least once or twice a week[crazy]


Ice just can't get here fast enough!
Oh well, Wyo tag to fill next week!

I have seen you in action with your hand auger and I was impressed with how fast you are able to drill a hole through thick ice! For the benefit of the original post please let him know what hand auger that you use.
Strikemaster Mora Augers! Blue with red handles! They are the best! I struggled for years with some others. I gave them all away! I watched guys drill holes with little or no effort using those blue augers. One day I found one at a yard sale. Picked it up for $5. Best investment of my life.
I now have an 8", 7", and 6".

Here is the link to Strikemaster:

(there is a black magic auger on there now.....I'm feeling the need for a fourth auger.....cant help myself...)

I've never run a power auger but from my experience with Strikemaster Mora hand augers, I wouldn't hesitate to buy a power unit from them. (just not yet)

As other have said:

Protect your edges - That means never pound or bump them. I cringe when I see someone start a hole by pounding. Messes up your edges real fast. Sharp edges are a must. I have never been able to sharpen blades. Never get the angle right...I just buy new.

Keep bolts tight - I wrung one blade off at Rockport. Spent the rest of the day looking for holes people had abandoned.
Carry the appropriate wrench to maintain your auger.

Keep an extra set of blades - Never know when you will need them. Couple of grinds into a rock someone threw on the ice will mess things up in a hurry. Might save a trip.

Let the blades work - Don't manhandle it. Steady, even, straight preassure seems to work the best for me.

Shush layers - may force me into a power auger. It makes for some hard drilling.

I ramble on...

hope this helps,

I'm with yoo Chester leave those heavy expensive p.o.s. at home. I use an older Auger one that I bought at a thrift store. It is a blue Mora with offset handles. Its the Mora that dose'nt have the knob on top. If you buy one with the knob get ready to sweat. Make sure your blades are sharp, and take care good care of the blades. Keep the cover on and never tap it on the ice and never let anyone use it unless they know what there doing. You will find that 99.9% of the time you can beat any power Auger. Most cases you have your hole done and fishing before they even get it started.
I have both the old handle and the knob. I prefer the knob because it lets me add preassure if needed. Just seems to be easier than the old style. Both work, and you're right you can beat a power outfit...but only on the first hole. If I'm out with a large group I'm really grateful if someone brings their power auger. Light and mobile is the way to go ... unless you have a sweet tricked-out ride like the one Fuzzy is working on for this season[Wink]

You will find that 99.9% of the time you can beat any power Auger. Most cases you have your hole done and fishing before they even get it started. [/reply]
LOL,, do I smell a challenge?
Challenge? I love a challenge! I hate to say this, but they already happen. Sometimes when I am on the ice,(and the fish aren't biting) someone shows up with their fancy power auger I will jump up and see if I can out drill them. I win more often than not. A power auger that is not tuned up both motor and blades performes very poorly. All the rules that apply for the manual squad apply to the power crew as well. Dull or bent blades on a power auger drill extremely slow, but motors handle abuse better than humans. I am amazed at how long it takes some power augers to cut through the ice.

Gas $10
Power auger $300
Look on their face when you beat them...PRICELESS!!

One fellow got beat rather handily last year and made the comment "That must be a real good auger or you must be really strong." I just Smiled and said: "Yup must be one or the other."

I'm not a tough guy,(obviously more muscle that brain though[crazy]) but if you see me out on the ice next season and you want to have a little contest, I'll probably take you up on it. I'll be the one pulling the light sled[Tongue]

I have a 20 spot on chester...... I have personally seen that guy drill 10 or 15 holes in an afternoon while he wanders around trying to find the fishies, the real trick will be keeping up with him in his nomadic journey around the lake.
ya know what i like to see? i love to see the look on their faces when i punch 15 holes in 5 min's with my power auger when the guy with the hand auger is still huffing and puffing on the 3rd hole.. lol

with sharp blades there is no way one man can drill a hole faster than a power auger.. (at lest not my power auger) and i know coldfooters lazer is faster than mine. add with the fact that footer has a tad more beef i his bum than me.. i would think twice brfore takeing on the power..

all ya need is a ice bar for the thin ice up 6" after that power all the way baby!!

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