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the making of a Bamboo fly rod
[Smile]On the learning channel tonite, "How its made" (a great program)
they featured the construction of a Bamboo Fly rod.
I couldn't help but think of Fly Goddess and her 'boo's'.

The program started with the guy splitting a 3" or larger piece of Bamboo in to halves, then smaller pieces.
He gets the color over a flame. I'll bet that takes some time to learn.
Running the pieces thorugh a Shaper and tying the six pieces together, gluing, straightening etc etc....

It takes 40 hours to make a Bamboo fly rod. The guy was not short of work!

Isn't it odd that you can buy something from Olympic Lamiglass or China for $10, but some folks will pay much more for labor and parts to have one of those bueaties.
You just cant make a F/glass rod that looks as striking as that split bamboo rod.

I'll bet the fish you catch with a Boo are a little prettier and much larger and fight harder than some ol' Hatchery fish you get on a Glass rod?[Wink]
After rods are so....just sooo ordinary[crazy]
... I have seen a similar show about four friends who run a small boo business.. amazes me the time it takes to make a boo.. but like you said. they are a work of art.. beautiful. hand made.. I can understand why our Goddess loves hers so much..[Smile]

MacFly [cool]
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3][cool]I saw that show that you are referring to MacFly but missed the one On How Things Are Made. I've heard about that show & one of these days hope to see it. Wow 40 hours to make a boo, now one can really appreciate the dedication that goes into making a fine bamboo rod. And at least $30/hour for the craftsman that would equate to $1200 for the basic rod not counting making a profit for himself and the retailer. So now we know why these rods demand the big bucks[/size][/green][/font][#005028].[/#005028]
... I think the best part of that show is the four friends fishing together.. not only did they work well together to make the rods.. they fished together.. the deepness of the friendship was obvious. ...I am a long way from having the skills to appreciate using a boo.. but I caan easily appreiate how the boo is made and the resultant end product..and I really appreciate the skill and craftmanship that goes into each and every rod..

MacFly [cool]
[black][size 3]When you say four guys fishing...was this the "Sweetgrass Bamboo"?[/size][/black]
[black][size 3]Glen Bracket and the boo boy's. He was Winston's Boo boy till they had a falling out. Winston will never be the same.[/size][/black]
[black][size 3]The gray haired skinny bearded guy was Glen. They make some of the best Bamboo out there.[/size][/black]
[black][size 3]As far as the Asian made that are much cheaper, I do have one of the better Tea Sticks and there is no comparison to a GOOD bamboo. Plus paying people with rice you can get anything real cheap [cool][/size][/black]
[black][size 3][/size][/black]
[black][size 3]What you mean Glass isn't as pretty?! I have seen some down right breath taking Glass rods.[/size][/black]
[black][size 3]Boo is just Mother Nature in all her glory.[/size][/black]
... I did not say glass was not purty. .. I dont know enough about it to say differently...[Smile]

...yes.. that was the four guys I saw on the tv.. what got me was how they innovated.. for example they use a space heater I think in a closet to dry out the bamboo among other things.. I would say just for quality of craftmanship those rods have to be some of the best in the world.... just an observation...... [Smile]

MacFly [cool]
[black][size 3]The glass comment was for Thudpucker, he, he, he.[/size][/black]
[black][size 3]The Sweetgrass rods are some of the best. They even make HOLLOW ones for even lighter touch.[/size][/black]
[black][size 3]I am not that scared to fish with my boo cause it is STRONG wood. I do rotate my rod while landing a fish so it gets an even stress, plus I change tips each time I use it so the get broke in equally.[/size][/black]
[size 3]Just remember, I got a real nice one for only $500.[/size]
... I wish I had the extra cash.. it may not be a bluegras but if you say it is nice then it has to be so.....[Smile]

MacFly [cool]
ALL my glass rods are pretty. They gotta be, they are all I can afford so I hafta love em'.[sly]

There was a guy near Seattle (Glen Danielson) who had a cottage industry going with some of the Oriental gals.
They tied flies for him. He had some "Danielson Dandy's" etc.
I remember buying some of his dry flies and using them for Trout on my Bait casting reel and split shot. I cant remember catching anything while fishing like that though.

But...he had some of those gal's making Boo's. I had one of them too.
It came in a little wood box with an extra tip.
I have no idea what the quality was like, that was too long ago.

For you who will pay that much for a Boo, I have a good deal for you.
We have Cane forests here. I'll send you a nice Cane pole for a lot less than $500. Of course guides and a reel seat will be a little extra.
I'll even write on it: "Hand made in Hurricane territory"
#10 if I was to be going for either deal Id save myself even more money and have my son in law pick up a boo rod at walmart ... course its one piece.. short.. the type you tie a line to the tip and toss the line out with a hook and bobber on it.. less than 10.00 for all of it. [sly]

MacFly [cool]
Yup, that's the kind of thing I'm talking about. I might even varnish it like the one's at WalMart.
For a lot less than $500...
[sly]... all joking aside for a second.. the rod FG has is beautiful..

... btw.. on mine from walmart.. Ill even toss in a rod sock for free..

MacFly [cool]
[crazy]a rod sock eh? Hmmm...well OK, I"ll see your Rod sock and throw in a bag of Holy Socks and some Duct tape![cool]
[black][size 4]Now I'm LMAO[laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh]
Next you will be throwing in one of those cardboard tubes that Christmas paper comes on with duct tape caps.[/size][/black]
[font "Pristina"][green][size 4][cool]Oo oo now that is a great idea FGD. Maybe if you leave one turn of wrapping paper on it people might think that you are starting a new trend.[Wink][/size][/green][/font]
[sly]Yeah, like the sorta Rod tube the Homeless would be carrying!

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