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WOW Bush is wrong ................ again
[black][size 5]An Assessment Jars a Foreign Policy Debate About Iran[/size][/black]

WASHINGTON, Dec. 3 — Rarely, if ever, has a single intelligence report so completely, so suddenly, and so surprisingly altered a foreign policy debate here. [url "javascript:pop_me_up2('', '04assess_2ready', 'width=720,height=600,scrollbars=yes,toolbars=no,resizable=yes')"][font "Arial"][#004276][/#004276][/font][/url] [font "Verdana"][#000000][/#000000][/font] [/url]
An administration that had cited [url ""][#004276]Iran[/#004276][/url]’s pursuit of nuclear weapons as the rationale for an aggressive foreign policy — as an attempt to head off World War III, as President Bush himself put it only weeks ago — now has in its hands a classified document that undercuts much of the foundation for that approach.

The impact of the National Intelligence Estimate’s conclusion — that Iran had halted a military program in 2003, though it continues to enrich uranium, ostensibly for peaceful uses — will be felt in endless ways at home and abroad.

It will certainly weaken international support for tougher sanctions against Iran, as a senior administration official grudgingly acknowledged. And it will raise questions, again, about the integrity of America’s beleaguered intelligence agencies, including whether what are now acknowledged to have been overstatements about Iran’s intentions in a 2005 assessment reflected poor tradecraft or political pressure

sorry bushie, no new war for you and your buds to make huge profits off our servicemens blood . . .

[url ""][/url]

If the report is correct, then I very happy! That doesn't change the fact that they would not (and will not) allow us to come in and verify with observers.

Sorry, I am still with President Bush on this one. The guy said the holocaust didn't happen. He ran on a platform for the dustruction of Israel.

When it looks like a duck, and quacks likes a duck....
Hmmm. What's the symbol on the flag stand for? Peaceful energy? Bunch of smoke and mirrors if you ask me.
[inline "IRAN NUKE.jpg"]
there is no such thing as a non threat, even bush is a threat, some one had to order those nukes flown from Minnisoda to lousiana....

Russia is going back to communisim and dictatorship, any one voiceing an opinion is being beaten down where they stand then jailed if the sruvive the beatings..

China is still communist, it hasnt changed in its veiws on comercialism. point is, it makes and sells, it dosnt buy because they know they cant have an out flow of income... I wonder what our investors are going to think when they try to cash out on thier investments in china....[crazy]

I agree with the ideal that we need a world nucular commision to make sure every nuke plant is up to date with safty proceedures, I dont like the idea of having another trenobal or three mile island...

Bush rubs people the wrong way, he would be alot further ahead if he would keep his fat mouth shut... then maybe the rest of the world would follow insuit...

did you see now that afganistanies now says there is no such thing as tallibans and they never heard of binladin,,, ya, and herbert hover said there was no such thing as the moffia and was dead set agains the gays... [sly] "think I quoted the right Hover" I get the two mixed up, not that I was fond of either one...

To be honest, I dont see how the rest of the world is going to take our beleifs for our words against oppressions when we have the face of Jackson on the twenty dollar bill. He commited the same actions on the indiginous natives as Husane did on the indiginous of his country.. every time I see a twenty dollar bill I am reminded of the trail of tears and the indian nations that fell out of existance along that trail, "the term is genniside"

I am not trying to raise a ruccus, just a point that how can we say one thing and honor a man who has commited the same acts and call him a herro?

there is a saying forenigers are no smarter than dogs, if they do something wrong and you beat them, they will eventualy turn on you and bite you down the road, if you reward a them for doing the right thing they get the idea that it is mutualy benificial to continue along that path...

so keeping the waters calm and clear and transparent is a much better solution than having some one aggitating the waters making it cloudy.

dont get me wrong, Clinton is not the right person for the job, she is just as fake and non transparent with her intentions much as is bush.... They both are in it for them selves... Neither of which are civil servents.....

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