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Taylor Park/Gunnison/East/Blue Mesa
what another great day. lets start at the begining. i heard a rumor that the road to the upper taylor river was open and that fish were being caught. what a bunch of bull. it would take a snowmobile to get there. i attached a pic of Taylor Park Res at sunrise. i left here in pueblo at 0215 and arrived at Taylor at 0600. i stopped twice for a wizz and a red bull.

Hog Trough (aka below Taylor Dam). why i even started here i will never know. i am no where technical enough t fish this, but since i was there i decided to toss a mysis shrimp and kill time till the sun was high enough to fill the cnyon. i was standing on the big rock below the bridge. 3 casts in and i hook something, and its something HUGE!! it took off to the other side of the river and my drag was screaming. i fought this thing for damn near 5 minutes, but never saw it once. had it been sunny out there might have been a chance of me seeing it. my tippet ended up breaking off. i wasent pissed, i was thrilled i finally hooked something there. i did happen to catch a real tiny brown down near almont.

East River... drove to the Roaring Judy Fish Hatchery and started fishing. was using an egg, with a stone fly below it. for the first hour, nothing. i adjusted my depth and then my tippet size then it started. i made 13 casts, i landed 13 browns. i lost my stone fly on a rock, put another on, and it started all over again. all in all i must have caught close to 30 browns on the East... water temp... well lets just say i might get a few toes lopped off, its that cold. its pretty clear, but you can notice a little stain on it. left there about noon and moved to the gunnison below HGWY 50 bridge.

Gunnison... i parked in the river park right there off the highway and started casting using the same set up as the east river. the rver was noticable faster so i added a little piece of split shot and then it started again. i ended up with 8 little browns. the water was noticably darker here also.

Blue Mesa... i thought for grins i would take a look at blue mesa. the ice is clear to Red Creek, there were actually boats out there. of course the lake is low as you will see in the pics. i made it to lake city bridge, fished until about 1400 and decided i was exhausted so i came home.

the plan for tomorrow is Horseshoe down in walsenburg and am going to try and get me a tiger musky. if nothing else ill fish off one of the points for bows.
Another fine/detailed report from the Kochanator!!![:p] Maybe one of the "Mod's" will shrink your pictures so that most of us can download them within 3-6 YEARS. I usually click on the picture and edit with "ADC Editer", Dad doesnt have that? I dont know if it was with the camera I have or it came with the computer. Oh well, I have tomorrow off for being such a stud at work so I am going to try my fansy at Pineview again. Dont expect much since a big "Low" is coming in with a few showers, but it is better than doing work around the house HAHAHAHA!!!!
im actually petioning that our screen names get switched since i seem to destroy every river/stream im on lately.... trout_slayer would better suit me then you. good luck trying to catch a bluegill!
like i said tomorrow i am going to hit up horseshoe. gunna walk the entire lake. i ended up buying some big streamers and poppers from reading some of the replies from the fly fishing forum. ill be sure to post pics of the snapped flyrod. im just praying my luck holds up until i ship out and i win the tourney at powell.
You better bring something other than that fly rod to win the tourney. That rod may end up as fire wood. Oh yeah, speaking of that, tell Dad that he should pack up a few boxes of his wood that he has out back for fire wood at Powell. Make sure he knows or I will have to...........burn the houseboat!!![:p]
crap theres something i forgot to add that Don may want to know. as i was fishing the East river the fish hatchery released 1 million kokanne salmon fry. was really neat to see, but that means the gunnison and the more importantly the lake trout will be pushed to where the gunnison dumps into blue mesa and will fish alot better for the next few days.
Wow! Kochanut that is the most detailed and most helpful report we've seen on here for ages. Thanks!
great report, love the shot of Taylor park, Brrrrrrrr........., I believe you mean Blue is open to Willow creek, I wish it was red creek because I would be fishing now!!!, west end froze hard yet. Interesting that 1 million fry were released?? I stopped and talked to the hatchery guys and they said they were not releasing any until monday, 3 million to go, latest they have ever waited because of ice on Blue mesa....sounds like you had and epic trip!!

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