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How deep?
[font "Arial Narrow"][#008000][size 4][cool][#005000]I believe that it was Kelley Galloup that said he catches most of his fish in waters less than 3' deep. That has been my experience when wading rivers & streams. How about you? [/#005000][/size][/#008000][/font]
Sounds about right. But I have also caught them in the deep pools, but all in all I will say maybe 3 to 5 feet.
[center][font "Arial Narrow"][#005028][size 4][cool]Hey MacFly no need to worry for sharks don't usually like water that shallow. LOL Just kidding my friend.[/size][/#005028][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#000080][size 4]maybe not great whites.. but what about sand sharks.. hmmmmmmmm??? lol...[/size][/#000080][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#000080][size 4][/size][/#000080][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#000080][size 4]MacFly[/size][/#000080][/font]
[center][cool][font "Arial Narrow"][#008000][size 4]Well this could be you catching a Sandy on a fly rod.[Wink][/size][/#008000][/font]
[center][inline Sharkyfgn.jpg]
[center][font "Arial Narrow"][#008000][size 4][/size][/#008000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#ff0000][size 4]cool pic.. but would be my luck that shark would miss the fly and grab ahold of my big toe.. :-)

MacFly (aka stubby toe)....[sly]
Riffles are my favorites to fish.

The deep slower pools are places where fish will gather to rest and get away from the current. When they are in the shallower water that is where the most sun light is. Where the more sunlight is the more algae there generall is. That results in the most insects being there so when it is movement time for the bugs it is dinner time in the riffles for the fish.
Dry Rod, a while back you were talking about fishing one of my old stomping grounds in a now far away land.

I have stood at the edge of riffles and studied the water there to see 20 and more fish feeding in a foot of water riffles, within easy casting distance. Now trying to get just a few of those twenty fish to eat your offering is a major trick. Now most people are fishing the deep holes below those riffles. I have caught my share of fish in those deep holes also.

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