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Another day at the view
Lunkerhunter2 and I treked up to the view this morning to target the tigers. We got on the water just after 6:00am and started pounding the shore lines. It was a chilling 35* We motored around a couple of hours befor I cought the first fish of the day. A 16" smallie... Sweet the skunk was off my back early. Not for LH2.[mad] His baitcaster reel took a crap on him shortly after[laugh] [laugh] After giving him crap, karma showed her ugly face and cursed me with the worse back lash I'd ever had. After dealing with that and a few cuss words later, I ended up loosing more than half my line. But with much persistence, I boated the first tiger of the day. Getting pissed off from alot of strike outs and LH2 trying everything in his arsenal, He finally boated his first tiger of the year LOL (although he's landed a few off the shore already) But with prior engagements, we had to be home early so we got off the water about 11:00 bummer. But LH2 had the camera, so he's going to post pics.
Sounds like persistence paid off for both of you, way to go, how big were the tigers? WH2
Here are 2 of them. The batts were dead on the first tiger.[cool]
[inline s.JPG]
[inline "Pineview 5-11-08 001.jpg"]
nice you guys, I'm headed up on tuesday for a try. later
you still using that secret bait?
nice job guys. those are some nice fish
My five year old just caught his first musky on mothers day now everyone in the family has got one
Nice fish and great pictures..

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