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Wolf killed near White Sulphur Springs
A Meagher County rancher shot and killed a lone wolf early Wednesday that was threatening his cattle.

<br>The incident occurred about 6 a.m. on private land about 20 miles northwest of White Sulphur Springs.<br>

<br>The wolf - a black, yearling female - was seen chasing some cows, which ended up pinned in the corner of a pasture. The rancher shot the animal then reported it to Fish, Wildlife and Parks.<br>

<br>After an investigation, says Mike Ross, Fish, Wildlife and Parks wolf management specialist, "We confirmed it was a legal shooting."<br>

<br>Ross said there have been sporadic reports of wolf activity in Meagher County but no known wolf pack in the area.<br>

<br>The Northern Rocky Mountain gray wolf population was removed from the federal endangered species list in late March. FWP is now the lead agency for wolf conservation and management in Montana on non-tribal lands.<br>

<br>Under Montana law and depredation guidelines adopted by the FWP Commission, wolves depredating on livestock can only be killed if authorized by FWP following the guidelines. Also, a wolf may be killed if it is seen killing or threatening to kill pets or livestock, or to protect human life. All incidents must be reported to FWP.<br>

<br>In this case, the rancher moved the carcass after the shooting. However, FWP asks in a shooting incident that any wolf carcass be left untouched so as not to disturb the physical evidence.<br>

<br>To learn more about Montana's recovered wolf population, visit FWP online at, where visitors can also tell FWP when they see wolves or wolf sign. The information helps verify the activity, distribution and pack size of Montana's recovered wolf population.

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