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Sitka Fish Swap
Anyone have a problem with the fish processed by Big Blue in Sitka, AK? We just got back from a trip and had 2X more fish tails than we fish caught. We also landed some real big ones, but all our meat came off fish 1/4 the size.

Any one else have this problem?

A word to anyone fishing in Sitka - do not use Big Blue. They rip off fisherman.
you may want to tell us what species you were catching,

I dont know about their processing, and yes that is important to me when I go as well, What I am wondering is if they are giving you tail cuts as aposed to giving you the entire fillet so you wont have to deal with bones?

but this is something worth bringing up with them should any one ever concider going out on a charter with them...

I would never have thought to ask about something like.. thanks for the share....
Hi Dave,

I've been salmon fishing almost every year for the past 45 years. Before moving to Houston I lived in the Seattle area, where my father and his father grew up fishing the Sound, the Straight and the Ocean (Neah Bay).

We bring our own scales and can identify the salmon species before its netted. Hence, we carefully track everything we catch, from species to weight by fisherman. You see, we have a lottery on the fish caught, so measurement and accounting are taken quite serious.

In all the years of fishing this has only happened to me one other time. I took some beautiful 20+ kings into a smokeshop/cannery in the Ballard district (Seattle) and they gave me back pinks. I sued and was given equivalent fish plus recovery of my processing costs.

Regarding the tails, we carefully note the size and quantity, knowing exactly how many pieces we expect to get. Of course, if you're shorted one or two, no big deal - we call it an auto-tip. But the outright fraud committed by Big Blow was crazy. We had tail sections for way more fish than caught, and the choice pieces were shorted.

I used Big Blow last year and made them smoke all of our fish in full filets. That was easy, because it was a Coho trip. Given the big kings we got this time I decided to chunk up the catch. Big mistake.

If you are going to use Big Blow a couple of suggestions:

1. Warn them you are aware of the scams. This should scare them into not frauding you

2. Request odd-size filets and chunks. Their standard size is a 1lb piece. Ask for 3 lb, or 4 lb.

3. Smaller fish demand they smoke in full filets.

4. Warn your charter captain that you expect him to protect your interests. In fact, tell him you'll tip him when you get home with the catch you caught.


I do a bit of salmon fishing in michigan, its a riot, fortunatly we havent seen any of those kinds of problems, at least none that I have heard about, I supose some charters could do a little wooly bully on ya if you werent paying attention.....

good advice.....

you could also have them gullied and packed whole and frozen. When I get home I can then choose weather to make canned or steaks or smoked ect.....

thanks for filling us in with the rest of the story, makes more sence now to be cautous with no matter who you choose to go out with...

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