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who is running for VP?
aint that sumthin, no one will commit to a VP yet.

but we all know its a matter of who is going to become VP that will have the most to say as to wich candidate will make it in to the white house....

so any one know of any third party potentiels worthy of voting for in this election? Other than Mickey Mouse, he always gets elected...[laugh]
[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4][Image: happy.gif]My thinking is that it should be a fisherman/woman for then they would always be out on the water and won't have time to dream up schemes that will tax us to death. [Image: scaredworried.gif][/size][/#008000][/font]
[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]Or for that matter decide that the devil should replace the word God on or in any federal document, building, school book etc,etc,etc.[/size][/#008000][/font]
In recent months I have been diagnosed with electile dysfunction. Only one major symptom associate with this disease, the inability to find a candidate worth voting for. Heck, there's more to vote for among the pool of potential VP's....[Wink]
thats my point exactly, between the two, it will be the vp thats going to be the deciding factor, that is unless repubs stand up now and bring the gas prices down to with in reason, like a 40% drop over the next several months to fool the people in to voting for mccane.[Image: sleepy.gif]

I heard on the news last night that bush was worying about his historical reputation "cnn news" if thats true why the change all of a suddon, dosnt he know that there will be people around for the next 60 years who will remember and telling about his follies? "dont he look qute in a too-too [laugh]

that is why clinton didnt win, we still remember the last clinton administration and we are suffering the reprocussions still, in addition to reagon and bush I & II.

I still get a kick out of clinton and bush who try to tell us what to think about the job they have done, good thing them I didnt have the athority to fire them...
has FFG thrown her hat in the ring yet? [Smile]

thats one big 10 gallon hat she wears, it could hold a whole lots of votes.[:p]

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